AGA Gas, Inc. - Executive Summary |
1. The accidental release prevention and emergency response policies at the facility: The AGA Gas, Inc. (AGA) facility located in Billerica, Massachusetts complies with NFPA-58 requirements for LP-Gas storage, and it is our policy to adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws. If an emergency accidental release were to occur involving our propane storage/handling system, it is our policy to immediately notify the Billerica Fire Department, who would respond to the emergency. 2. A description of the facility and the regulated substances handled: The AGA facility stores propane in one 8,000-gallon above ground storage tank (AST). Propane is put into storage cylinders of various sizes before they are sold and shipped from the facility. The propane storage/handling process consists of one 8,000-gallon propane AST, propane cylinder filling equipment, filled propane cylinders of various sizes, and associated piping, valves, and other miscellaneous equipment. 3. The wo rst-case release scenario: The worst-case release scenario for the AGA facility considers the potential failure of one 8,000-gallon propane storage tank filled to 80% of its holding capacity (administrative controls limit each storage tank to 80% of capacity at 60?F), resulting in a vapor cloud explosion. Utilizing a computer-based version (RMP*Comp) of the methodology presented in USEPA's "RMP Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance", USEPA, May 24, 1996, the distance to the flammable endpoint (1 psi overpressure) was determined to be 0.2 miles. The public receptors affected under this worst-case release scenario include commercial, office, and/or industrial facilities, and residential property. The residential population within this 0.2-mile radius is approximately 141 persons, which was estimated using an Environmental Data Resources - Offsite Receptor Report. 4. The alternative release scenario: The alternative release scenario for the AGA facility considers the potential releas e of propane from a 100-pound capacity storage cylinder (i.e., caused by a cylinder being knocked over resulting in the cylinder valve being broken off), resulting in a vapor cloud explosion. The release rate of propane from the cylinder was estimated to be 1.67 pounds per minute. It was assumed that the release occurred for a duration of 60 minutes. Therefore, the alternative release scenario modeled a release of a total of 100 pounds of propane. Utilizing RMP*Comp, the distance to the flammable endpoint was determined to be 0.02 miles. There is no affected public receptor under this alternative release scenario. There is no residential population within this 0.02-mile radius. 5. The general accidental release prevention program and chemical-specific prevention steps: The AGA facility complies with USEPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable federal, state and local codes and regulations. The propane system is designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with NFP A-58 and state law at the AGA facility in Billerica, Massachusetts. 6. Five-year accident history: The AGA facility has never had an accident involving its propane storage/handling process. 7. The emergency response program: In the event of an emergency accidental release involving our propane storage system, it is AGA's policy to immediately notify the Billerica Fire Department, who would respond to the emergency. We have communicated this policy with the Billerica Fire Department. All employees have access to AGA's emergency action plan, and emergency action training is conducted annually. 8. Planned changes to improve safety: NONE |