HAZMAT Spill Center - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

From September 5 - 30 of 2000, the HAZMAT Spill Center (HSC) will host a demonstration project conducted by the Chlorine Institute.  The purpose of this project is to proof the concept of "hot tapping" a chlorine rail car and removing its contents in a safe manner.  This "hot tapping" technique will dramatically reduce the amount of time required to secure accident scenes and reduce potential environmental, safety and health impacts to the general population. 
This project will require that a rail car containing 17 tons of chlorine be staged at the HSC.  This quantity of chlorine exceeds the 2500 lb TQ listed in CAA 112(r).  Once the project is completed, the chlorine will be returned to the manufacturer and the HSC will no longer be subject to the RMP program. 
Several models have been used to predict the worst case accidental release scenario.  In all cases, the toxic endpoint is within the fence line or established impact zones of the HSC (defined in the various Environmental Assess 
ments for the HSC and the Environmental Impact Statement for the Nevada Test Site).  No public access areas will be affected.  Therefore, this project will require the HSC to register as a Program 1 process facility.
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