Anitox Corp. Lawrenceville, GA. Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Anitox Corporation has spent over 20 years developing agricultural chemical products to control microbiological contamination of animal feed and feed ingredients.  Through an extensive Research and Development Center, Anitox is able to develop new products and services to assist the animal feed industry in providing safe, clean feed.  Anitox is committed to do all that is reasonable to protect our employees, our customers, and the public from results of chemical releases or fire. 
A primary goal for Anitox is to eliminate, or control, both known and potential safety and health hazards that exist in the workplace.  Anitox goes to great lengths to accomplish this goal including the use of proper equipment, materials, manufacturing procedures, and trained employees.  The safety program for Anitox has received two awards for outstanding contributions to workplace safety and health.  Anitox was awarded the Lois Nelson Memorial Award by Georgia Technical University.  In addition, the Safe P 
lant Award was received from the  American Feed Industry Association. Anitox insures that all public services agencies responsible for emergency response are kept informed and updated  on the Anitox emergency response plan.  These agencies include, but are not limited to, the Gwinnett County Fire Department and the County Hazardous Material Team.  Anitox has conducted facility tours and issued copies of the emergency response plan with these agencies. 

Anhydrous Ammonia is used in the manufacturing process at Anitox.  The Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Adminstration have determined anhydrous ammonia to be a hazardous material.  Both governmental agencies have issued regulatory requirements addressing the storage and use of this product.  Anitox has incorporated into its safety program the regulatory requirements of both Process Safety Management and Risk Management programs.  The National Response Center and the State of Georgia Emergency Respo 
nse Commission are notified immediately in the event of a chemical release. 
The Risk Management Program requires an accidental chemical release analysis be conducted when a hazardous material is used within a manufacturing process.  This analysis is an attempt to calculate what, if  any, offsite impact could occur in the event of an accidental chemical release.  Anitox used the RMP*COMP modeling software program developed by the Cameo team and provided by EPA for  this offsite analysis.  There are two analysis required by the Risk Management Program.  The first analyses is conducted assuming a worst case scenario; the second analysis is conducted assuming an alternative scenario. 
The worst case chemical release scenario involved modeling the rupture of the storage tank for anhydrous ammonia.  This type of failure would allow the total volume of anhydrous ammomia to be  released to the environment.  There are several steps taken by Anitox to mitigate the release in this type of tank  
failure.  Monthly tank farm inspections are conducted to insure that the structural integrity of the tank remains in tact.  Secondary containment has been constructed surrounding the anhydrous ammonia tank to restrict the flow of liquid to a confined area, in the event of a tank failure.  Anitox also has emergency response equipment, material,  and trained personnel on site for immediate response to a release.  The offsite impact of this type of release would be influenced by circumstances such as wind direction, temperature, and rate of release.  Anhydrous ammonia vapors are lighter than air and can be expected to dissipate readily to the upper atmosphere. 
The alternative release scenario involved the rupture of a pipe containing anhydrous ammonia within our process where a release could occur.  Anitox takes similar steps to mitigate this type of release.  These steps include material, and trained personnel on site for immediate response.  Offsite impact would not occur based on the  
volume of product released in this scenario. 
Anitox continually strives to stay informed of new technology in the areas of safety and manufacturing processes.  Continuous training of onsite personnel involving  emergency response agencies enables Anitox to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies should they occur.  We have additional emergency response equipment that will improve our ability to mitigate the amount of ammonia reaching the environment during a release.   We are committed to uphold our reputation as environmental stewards within our community.  We view ourselves as a business partner who, in conjunction with other businesses and the general public, can preserve and protect the environment in which we all live. 
Marsha Clark
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