Tampa Bay Fisheries, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Tampa Bay Fisheries, Inc. has developed the attached Risk Management Plan and is forwarding this revised plan to the E.P.A. on July 31, 2000.  This plan differs from the Process Safety Management Program as the P.S.M. program is the system that backs up the R.M.P. plan and ensures that our plant is being operated in a safe manner. 
The elements of our program follow the OSHA Process Safety Management written program to ensure that we have zero releases and zero spills.  Our goal for our plant in Dover, Florida is zero releases and zero spills. 
We will achieve this goal by educating and re-educating our employees involved in the ammonia process.  We have written Safe operating Procedures for all aspects of the ammonia system and perform ammonia safety audits of our P.S.M. program every six months. 
In this way Tampa Bay Fisheries, Inc. will continue to mitigate the risks associated with ammonia. 
Robert Paterson, President
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