Garden City Municipal Pool - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Executive Summary 
The City of Garden City operates a seasonal swimming pool on the south edge of Garden City.  The pool is billed as the world's largest concrete, free, municipal swimming pool.  It measures 220 feet by 330 feet and holds 2.6 million gallons of water.  Two 50-horse power electric motors operate the filtration and chlorination system.  One-ton cylinders of chlorine are used to dispense the chlorine into the pool.  At the beginning of each season, our equipment is overhauled and new seals are added where appropriate.  At this time, our crew leader retrains our regular full time staff on the importance of safety and operations.  He is a certified pool operator. The facility is inspected annually by the fire department, which has the necessary equipment to patch a leak in the unlikely event that this should occur.  Chlorine needs to be vacuumed from the cylinders for our system to work properly.  An alternative release scenario would be minimal and diluted before any dama 
ge could be life threatening.  We have not had an accidental release in the last five years.  Mitigation measures and administrative controls conform to the procedures outlined in the National Swimming Pool Foundation's book, Pool-Spa Operators Handbook.  The emergency response program is administered by the fire department, which is less than four minutes away.  The pool is scheduled to be permanently shut down in the next one or two years.
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