City of Raymondville - Executive Summary |
The accidental release prevention and emergency response policies at the City of Raymondville Water Treatment Plant: Since this facility was built, no accidental releases have been noted that have caused property damage and/or harm to the public. No accidental releases were noted during the past five years. The present emergency response policies are contained in the manual for the City of Raymondville's Emergency Evacuation Plan. The plan includes the following: A. Authority B. Purpose C. Situations and Assumptions D. Concept of Operations E. Phases of Emergency Management 1. Mitigation 2. Being Prepared 3. Response 4. Recovery F. Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities G. Emergency Call-Up List H. Distribution of Response Manual I. Updates J. Development and Maintenance K. References L. Evacuation Route The City of Ramondville's Emergency Evacuation Plan w ill be available at the Water Treatment Plant. Description of facility and the regulated substances handled: Description: The Raymondville Water Treatment Plant consists of three raw water pumps, an aerator, a rapid mix, three upflow clarifiers and seven rapid sand filters of which one is out of service followed by five high service pumps. There are three inset clearwells as well as two off site elevated storage tanks. The chemical feed system consists of two chemical feed pumps that inject liquid alum as a coagulant and polymer as a coaulant aid to the rapid mix. There is also a chlorination feed system that injects chlorine at the influent line to the rapid mix and a lime feeder that feeds into it also. Chlorine is injected again after the filters and prior to the clearwells. The system is capable of treating potable water at a rate of 2.779 million gallons per day (MGD). This plant serves approximately 8,049 people. Approximately 12,000 pounds of chlorine are kept at the p lant site in 6 one (1) ton cylinders. Aprroximately 1.25 MGD of water is treated daily. The worst-case release scenario and the alternative release scenario: Both of these scenarios are included as part of the RMP*Submit Program. The ALOHA Model was used for the 1-ton worst case scenario. The RMP-Method Model was used for the alternative release of chlorine gas. General accidental release prevention program and chemical-specific prevention steps: The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) annually inspects this facility to insure that chlorination equipment and processes meet state requirements. Entity will conduct a Safety Unit Inspection and a "Compliance Audit" on or before December 15, 2000 to insure that equipment and process conform to state/EPA requirements. The Safey and Audit Inspections will be inclulded as part of the O & M Water Treatment Plant Manual. The City will continue to train personnel to insure that accidental releases of chlorine gas are minimized or do not occur. Five-Year Accidental History: For the last 5 years, there have been no accidents due to the release of chlorine gas from this facility. There have been no accidental releases from this facility that have caused property damage or injury to the public. The City will continue to train plant personnel to prevent any releases of chlorine gas. Emergency Response Program: The Emergency Response Program for this facility is referenced in the City of Raymondville's Emergency Evacuation Plan as previously noted. Planned Changes to Improve Safety: At the present time, five (5) permanent operators are employed at the plant. All five operators are certified (3-B and 2-C). All certified operators are required to attend Texas A & M Training Classes to maintain their certification. All water training courses contain at least one section that emphasizes chlorine safety. All certified employees will continue to attend these training classes to upgrade or maintain certification. Certification is required by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. |