Bob's Farm Center, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

                                                                   BOB'S FARM CENTER 
                                                                        Conrad, Iowa 
       Bob's Farm Center leased this facility from Alexander Enterprises as of February 1, 2000, and is operated by the same employees in the same manner as it has been for the last 20 years. 
1. Accidental release prevention and emergency action policies: 
   At this facility we handle anhydrous ammonia which is considered a regulated toxic substance by the EPA.  The properties make it imperative to observe certain safety precautions in handling the substance to prevent unnecessary human exposure, to reduce the threat to our own personal health as well as our co-workers', and to reduce the threat to members of nearby communities.  It it our policy to adhere to all applicable federal and state regulations. 
    Our emergency action plan was developed with the assistance of the local fire department. 
 A copy of our Tier II report including a captioned aerial view map of our entire business site is mailed annually to that department.  Additionally, our primary employee handler of anhydrous ammonia is a volunteer member of the same department and is trained on a continuing basis.  Our emergency plan includes procedures for notification of the local fire department and sheriff's office via the 911 emergency communications system. 
2.  Source and regulated substances handled: 
     The primary purpose of this facility is to distribute anhydrous ammonia to corn crop producers on a retail basis.  The anhydrous ammonia is used as a nitrogen fertilizer.  We receive the substance by truck (transports) and store it in three side by side storage tanks as well as in 1,000 gallon (4,250 pound) capacity nursetanks as supply/demand dictates.  The ammonia is distributed to customers via the nursetanks.  The maximum amount of anhydrous ammonia that can be stored in the bulk plant is 78,000 pounds  
in 3 separate storage tanks. 
3.  Worst-case and Alternative release scenarios: 
     Worst-case Scenario for Anhydrous Ammonia - 
      Failure of all of the three (3) bulk storages when filled to capacity would result in a release of 78,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonia.  Company policy limits the maximum filling capacity of the tank system to 85%.  It is assumed that the entire contents are released as a vapor and extends beyond the facility boundary to a distance of 1.89 miles which could encompass residences, schools, businesses and recreation areas. 
       Alternative Scenario for Anhydrous Ammonia: 
        Transfer hose failure (3" hose on transport delivery truck) causing a release beyond the facility boundary to a distance of 1.14 miles could encompass residences, businesses and a recreation area. 
4.  This facility complies with all applicable EPA and state codes and regulations to prevent accidental releases. 
5.  This facility has had no accidental releases over a twenty  
year history.
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