Westgate Elevator Co., Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This facility complies with federal, state and local laws for storage and handling of NH3.  If an emergency were to occur, it is our policy to notify the Westgate Fire Department and request that they respond to the emergency. 
This facility is a grain elevator.  We sell NH3 to farmers .  We have one 75,000 lb tank.   
Our worst case scenario would be release of 75,000 lbs.  It could release in l0 minutes and affect a radius of 4.9 miles.  The estimated population in this area is ll09 people. 
This facility complies with accident prevention rules and all applicable state and local codes and regulations. 
We have never had an accident involving our site  that caused death, injuries, property or environmental damage or evacuations. 
In the event of an emergency involving our NH3 system, it is our policy to notify the Westgate Fi 
re Department and call 9ll.  We have discussed this policy with the local fire department and members of the fire department have inspected our NH3 system. 
We d 
o not plan any changes at this time.
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