| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

    The Villisca Elevator Inc. of Villisca, Iowa, is involved in retail sales of feed, farm seed,fertilzer, (dry, liquid, liquid suspentions, and anhyrous ammonia) ag-chemicals, farm supplies, drainage tile as well as commercial storage for corn and soybeans.                                                                                                           We have installed breakaway valves on the ammonia facilities to prevent the accedental release if someone would drive away while filling. The valves are designed to break off and shut the flow of NH3 off. Also an emergency shut off is in place if a hose would rupture while filling at a safe distance from the filling area. The hoses, valves and tanks are inspected annually by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and our Insurance company. Daily visual checks are made by Villisca Elevator Inc. when in use. Hoses are replaced every 5 years or sooner if they show wear or abrasions. The main supply tank has excess flow valves in the 
outlet ports that will shut the flow of NH3 isf a pipe or hose would rupture of break. The withdrawl valves are locked when not in use and at night. A sight guage is used to prevent overfilling as well as aa pressure relief valve to prevent the over pressurization of the tank.                                                                                                          In a scenerio that there is a release of NH3, we would call 911 and activate our Emergency Respons Plan. that wou include th Villisca Volunteer Fire Department, Villisca Ambulance and the Montgomery County LEPC. Evacuation of the area would depend on the amount released,wind direction and velocity and weather forcasts that could change the affected area. MSDS's are available at the main office located at 701 U Avenue, Villisca ,Iowa.
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