Larry Beseda Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Inc - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The owners, management, and employees of Larry Beseda Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Inc are committed to the prevention of any accidental release of anhydrous ammonia.  If an accidental release should occur, the facility is prepared to work with the Cochran County LEPC or other authorities to mitigate any release and minimize the impact of the release to people and the environment. 
The primary acitivity of the facility is the storage and blending of fertilizers for wholesale purposes.  Anhydrous ammonia is the toxic chemical that will be present at the facility.  
This particular operation is new (anticipated to begin in Fall of 2000 or early 2001) for this facility and an RMP was not filed in June 1999 because there were no plans at that time to use or store ammonia for blending.  This RMP is submitted using predictive filing.   
The primary use for the ammonia is for producing hot fluid fertilizer blends in a batch mixer.  The ammonia is 
mixed in the batch reactor with phosphoric acid or monoammonium phosphate to create heat so that the other components in the batch mix can go into solution quickly.  Anhydrous ammonia is stored on site in a 10,000 gallon pressurized tank.   The quantity of ammonia stored in the tank is limited to 60,000 # to allow sufficient room for expansion with temperature rise.  The ammonia is fed to the batch mixer utalizing the system pressure in the storage tank.  The storage tank is filled as needed by the use of a tanker truck.  The ammonia is transfered using rubber hoses that are approved for ammonia use. 
A secondary use for the strorage tank is as a emergency storage/feed tank for the operation of a  portable 10-34-0 reactor.  During this operation, the site (including product storage tanks) is leased to Blick's Inc which operates a portable pipe reactor.  The ammonia storage tank may be used when there is a shortage of rail cars and ammonia has to be trucked to the site on a routine bas 
is to keep the pipe reactor supplied; generally no longer than 3 days at a time.  The hazards and risk management efforts involved with this phase of operation are covered under an RMP submitted by Blick's Inc. 
The facility is normally classified as a Prevention Program 2 but becomes a Program 3 facility when the portable pipe reactor is brought on site.   
The worst-case scenario would be the release of the total contents of the storage tank.  This could result in the release of up to 60,000 # of liquid ammonia over a 10 minute period.  The distance to the endpoint (point of dispersion to 200 ppm) is 4.4 miles. 
The alternative release scenario, based on the most likely potential incident, is an incorrect valve setting or one left open, that would allow excess ammonia to flow into the batch mixer.  This could likely result in an ammonia release of about 100 # over a 5 minute period.  The distance to the end point is 0.1 m 
The facility has implemented the provisions of "Safety Requirements for the Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia, K-61.1", published by the American Health Standards Institute, Inc. 
Routine equipment inspection prior to use and during off-season storage is emphasized. 
There have been no accidental releases of anhydrous ammonia in the past five years at the facility; and to our knowledge no off-site concequences reported.    
The facility has a written emergency response plan and has provided the state and local authorities the emergency planning and community right-to-know information as required under SARA Title III.  The ERP is coordinated with the Cochran County LEPC, Cochran County EMS and the Whiteface Volunteer Fire Department. 
Safety improvement is an on-going process at the facility.  Periodic reviews are performed to as 
sess the maintenance and operations to establish safe operating conditions.  There are no additional specific anhydrous ammonia safety recommendations for implementation at this time.
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