Clutier Grain & Feed, Inc - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

We are a grain elevator and farm supplier.  We store anhydrous ammonia for resale direct to farmers.  We have a 30,000 gallon tank, filled to 80% maximum.  We follow alll rules and regulations. Change all relief valves and fill hoses every 5 years according to regulations.  We constantly give visual inspection and maintainance as needed.  Our employees are trained and briefed in all updates and repairs.     Our worst case scenario would be a ruptured fill hose and faulty valve.  We have excess flow valve installed and emergency shut off valves installed.  Our Emergency Response Program would be our local Fire Department, which is 2 block from tank and we have 3 employees which are member of fire department.  Our 911 would alert Tama County Sheriff Department for further help if needed.  Our five year history has had no mishaps concerning Anhydrous Ammonia
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