Town of Lantana Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary |
RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN TOWN OF LANTANA WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Corporate Prevention and Emergency Response Approach The Town of Lantana Water Treatment Plant (Lantana) is owned by the Town of Lantana. The facility has developed and maintains accident prevention programs and an emergency action plan to prevent and mitigate the effects of hazardous chemical releases. 2. Description of Stationary Source The Town of Lantana WTP is a Water Treament facility located on at 510 West Pine Street, east of I-95 and west of U.S. 1, in Lantana, Palm Beach County, Florida. The Town of Lantana WTP adds chlorine in their chlorination process in order to disinfect the City's water supply. Liquefied chlorine gas is stored in up to four one-ton containers at the Chlorination process. One one-ton container is always connected to the process with one on standby, while up to two additional containers are stored adjacent to the connected containers. The total chlorine inven tory in the process at any one time is 8,000 lbs. This is greater than the 2,500 lb. RMP threshold quantity for chlorine. This process is not enclosed in a building. 3. Description of the Worst Case and Alternative Release Scenarios The Worst Case release scenario is the rupture of a one- ton container from the Chlorination process, releasing 2,000 lbs. of Chlorine gas over a ten minute period. Under worst case weather conditions, the chlorine gas could travel 1.30 miles before dispersing enough to no longer pose a hazard to the public or environment (reaching a concentration less than .0087 mg/L), using the WWTP Guidance lookup tables. The Alternative-Case Release Scenario is characterized by a two- phase release due the failure of the liquid supply valve connection from worker/human error, external impact, or corrosion. For the Chlorination process, the release rate was determined to be 1,387 lbs/min. Under normally expected weather conditions, the chlorine gas could travel 0.6 miles before dispersing enough to no longer pose a hazard to the public or environment (reaching a concentration less than .0087 mg/L), using the WWTP Guidance. 4. Prevention Program For the Chlorination process, this facility exceeds the chlorine threshold quantity for the OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard, 1910.119, and is therefore subject to the PSM requirements. For RMP compliance purposes, this places the Lantana Chlorination process in the Program 3 level. The Lantana facility will use its PSM program as the required Program 3 Prevention Program. The Town of Lantana Water Treatment Plant is currently developing a program to comply with the OSHA Process Safety Management Standard, 29 CFR 1910.119. The PSM Program includes written operating procedures for the chlorination process. These procedures cover all phases of operation and include information on worker protection. These procedures will be used to train all operators and mechanics who work on the chl orination process to ensure consistency of operation and minimize human error. The PSM Program also includes a preventative maintenance plan which requires all chlorination equipment to be periodically inspected and serviced. This will ensure that the equipment remains in good operating condition and will minimize the probability of accidents due to faulty equipment. Safe work practices, such as Lockout/Tagout and Confined Space Entry, have long been required by the Lantana Water Treatment Operations Department. These were reviewed and updated to ensure that all non-routine work can be performed safely. Other components of the Prevention Program include the collection and review of all equipment information and the development of updated Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs). These actions will ensure that the equipment meets all chlorination industry standards and that accurate equipment information will be available when needed. The staff also performed a Process Hazard An alysis of the process. Other PSM procedures, including Management of Change, Pre-Startup Safety Review, Compliance Audits, and Incident Investigation have also been incorporated into this program to ensure continued safe operation and prompt correction of deficiencies. The PSM Program receives full support of plant management and involvement of employees at all levels. 5. Accident History The Town of Lantana Water Treatment facility has had no accidental releases of chlorine in the past five years that caused any offsite injury or harm as defined in the RMP regulation. 6. Emergency Response Program The Town of Lantana has an Emergency Action Plan in place. The facility will rely on outsite responders to respond to a chlorine accidental release. The site also has a procedure to address small releases of chlorine. The current plan has been coordinated with the Palm Beach County Fire Department Hazardous Materials Response Team, and the Regional Local Emergency Planning Committee . Notification is made locally by dialing 911, and by notifying Florida State Warning Point at (800) 320-0519. |