Wal-Mart Distribution Center #6096 - Executive Summary |
WAL-MART DISTRIBUTION CENTER #6096 Johnstown, New York RISK MANAGMENT PLAN Executive Summary 1. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE POLICIES At this Wal-Mart Distribution Center (D C), we utilize anhydrous ammonia that is considered hazardous by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The properties that make ammonia valuable as a refrigerant also necessitate certain safety precautions. Wal-Mart strives to protect all its valuable resources and assets - both personnel and property. We live and have families in this community We want to prevent exposure to all our personnel as well as nearby members of our community, existing natural resources, and the surrounding environment. It is our policy to comply with all Federal, State, and Local regulations. Through continual, accurate training and various safety devices and procedures, we work to minimize potential releases Our emergency response program has specific procedures for accidental releases of anhydro us ammonia as well as other emergencies. We work in conjunction with the Johnstown Fire Department and the Local Emergency Planning Committee to prepare for necessary notification of all affected neighbors 2. THE STATIONARY SOURCE AND REGULATED SUBSTANCES HANDLED. The primary purpose of our facility is the temporary storage of refrigerated and frozen foods. We utilize anhydrous ammonia as the primary means for refrigeration and freezing. An outside company is used to fill our main receiver tanks. Piping then carries the ammonia to the needed refrigeration or freezing units. Access to the site is restricted to facility employees, authorized management personnel and authorized contractors. The regulated substance used at our facility is anhydrous ammonia. The maximum amount of ammonia stored at this facility is 39,500 pounds. We have the capacity for more but our policy limits this amount not to exceed IIAR recommendations. 3. THE WORST CASE RELEASE SCENARIO(S) AND THE ALT ERNATIVE RELEASE SCENARIO(S), INCLUDING ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS AND MITIGATION MEASURES TO LIMIT THE DISTANCES FOR EACH REPORTED SCENARIO. Worst Case Scenario The worst case scenario would be failure of our largest receiver. Our policy restricts |