Montco Research Products - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Montco Research Products is commited to the overall safe use and handling of chemicals in and around the work place is accomplished through comprehensive employee training both in the class room and on the job.  Employee use of safe work practices, ppe/cpe, and common sense approaches help to insure workplace, as well as environmental, safety. 
Montco Research Products is a chemical manufacturer.  The only regulated chemical is Hydrogen Chloride  (anhydorus) which is stored in its original container ( tube trailers ).  The maximum quantity stored on site at any given time is two tube trailers each with seven (7) 3000 pound cylinders which are not connected together.  The maximum amount of hydrogen chloride gas which is avaliable for use in the process at any given time is 3000 pounds.   
The " worst case" scenario was computed using RMP.COMP.  The offsit impacts of a potential release mainly are confined to that of any corrosive gas. 
Montco Research Products must comply with the followin 
g federal guidelines:  OSHA PSM, HAZWOPER, Fire prevetion (1910.38), Emergency prepearedness and prevention required by EPA, Spill response, HAZCOM, confined space entry, and a written ppe paln. 
There have been no accidental releases from this facility within the last five years. 
Emergency response is conducted on a limitred basis by Montco employees.  However, for large leaks it is company policy to contact the vendor and/or CHEMTREC for direction.  Emergency proceudres  are kept on site with emergency contact numbers.  All employees are trained to a level which is commensurate with their duties.  Training takes palce at the initial time of employemnt, annually thereafter, and whenefver there is a process change or the introduction of a new hazard into the facility.
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