Rea Grain and Feed, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1.  Facility Policy:  The owners, management and employees of Rea Grain and Feed are committed to the prevention of any accidenal releases of anhydrous ammonia.  If an accidental release should occur, the facility is prepared to work with the local fire department and law  enforcement personnel to mitigate any release to residents and the environment of our community. 
2.  Facility Information:  The primary activity at the facilty is the storage and sales of fertilizers to farm producers  in our area. 
    a.  Anyhdrous Ammonia is received, stored and distributed for direct application as a crop production nutrient. 
    b.   The maximum quantity stored would be 130,000 pounds. 
3.  Worst-Case Release Scenario and Alternativae Release Scenarip: 
    a.  The worst-case release scenario would be the total release of the anyhdrous ammonia from our major storage tank.  The distance to the endpoint is 4.4 miles. 
    b.  The alternative release scenario is a release from a break in a tra 
nsfer hose.  The distance to the endpoint is 0.3 miles. 
4.  Accidentql Release Prevention Program:  The facility has implemented the provisions of "Safety Requirements for the Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonis, K-61.1", published by the American National Standards Institute, Inc. 
5.  Five-Year Accident History:  There have been no accidental releases of anhydrous ammonia in the past five years that  have caused any deaths, injuries, or significant property damage at the faciltiy, nor to our knowledge, have resuflted in offsite deaths, injuries, evacuations, sheltering in place, property damage, or environmental damage. 
6.  Emergency Response Program:  Our facilty has coordinated with the local responders and we do not plan to have our employees respond to a major release. 
7.  Planned Changes to Improve Safety:  Safety improvements is an on-going process at the facility.  The major improvement for the next year is the inspection and painting of anhydrous ammonia tanks and up 
dating procedures. 
8.  For further information contact Mr. J. D. Hannah, Rea Grain and Feed, Inc.,      P. O. Box  68, Rea, MO, 64480, (816)  526-2055.
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