Swiss Valley Farms Monticello NH3 - Executive Summary |
ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION/EMERGENCY RESPONSE AT SWISS VALLEY FARMS COMPANY, MONTICELLO, IOWA. This facility complies with ANSI Standard K-61.1-1995 requirements for Anhydrous Ammonia storage. It is our policy to adhere to all applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. If an emergency were to occur, it is our policy to immediately notify the Monticello Volunteer Fire Department (via a 911 call) and request that it respond to the emergency. Incidental to the notification to the fire department, a call to the Jones County, Iowa LEPC will be made. While we have planned for an emergency, it is acknowledged that a real emergency will be unexpected and may very well be much different and cannot be ensured to duplicate what may have be planned. In reality, the situation that develops may not happen in the manner in which it has been planned. In that event, what may have been planned will serve only as a guideline to follow. The Emergency Action Plan for this facility describes ce rtain procedures that are intended to minimize the hazards associated with human health and the environment from fires, explosions, the sudden and unexpected release of chemicals (i.e., Anhydrous Ammonia), tornadoes, bomb threats or other accidents or acts of God which might occur on our premises. The primary emergency coordinator for the Monticello, Iowa location is Brian Kramerr, location manager. His work and 24-hour emergency response telephone numbers are provided in the Registration Section of this document. In addition, the following individuals (with associated work and 24-hour emergency response telephone numbers) are to be contacted in order: Brian Kramer, location manager WORK: (319) 465-3501 Home: (319) 926-2798 Cell: (319) 480-1561 Don Peters, manager WORK: (319) 465-3501 Home : (319) 465-5056 Cell: (319) 480-0269 Mark Bradke, manager WORK: (319) 465-3503 Home: (319) 926-2183 Cell: (319) 590-5716 DESCRIPTION OF THE ANHYDROUS AMMONIA STORAGE/DISTRIBUTION PLANT AND THE REGULATED SUBSTANCE HANDLED AT SWISS VALLEY FARMS COMPANY, MONTICELLO, IOWA: This facility is a bulk anhydrous ammonia storage and distribution plant. The anhydrous ammonia that is stored at this facility is distributed to agricultural crop producers in the surrounding area who utilize the anhydrous ammonia for crop nutrient purposes. The system consists of one (1) 30,000-gallon storage tank with associated piping, valves, liquid pump(s), and other miscellaneous equipment. The anhydrous ammonia plant is only operated on a seasonal basis (Spring and Fall). Full-time equivalent employee numbers were computed on that basis. At a maximum, the pl ant operates a total of three months (1/4 of the year). The FTEs for this company location is three (3). THE WORST-CASE AND ALTERNATIVE RELEASE SCENARIO: The worst-case scenario is the failure of the one (1) 30,000-gallon storage tank when filled to the greatest amount allowed (85% of capacity), resulting in the release of the total volume in a gaseous (hazardous ammonia vapor cloud) form. According to EPA's RMP*Comp Program (Version 1.06), the distance to the endpoint is 4.4 miles. The alternative release scenario involves the transport delivery vehicle pulling away from the intake lines into the storage plant without disconnecting the transfer hoses. The resulting release, according to EPA's RMP*Comp Program has a distance to endpoint of 0.1 miles. Since this facility is located in relatively close proximity to the Town of Monticello, provisions have been designed to notify all affected persons in Monticello. An evacuation plan is in plac e. GENERAL ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION PROGRAM AND CHEMICAL-SPECIFIC PREVENTION STEPS: This facility complies with EPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable State and local codes and regulations. The anhydrous ammonia system is designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with ANSI Standard K-61.1-1995 and State law. In addition the company has specific operating procedures in place intended to minimize the potential for an accidental (and potentially catastrophic) release of anhydrous ammonia. Finally, Swiss Valley Farms Company has extended to the Monticello Volunteer Fire Department the opportunity to visit our anhydrous ammonia plant, to participate in mock emergency simulation training, and to avail themselves of specific anhydrous ammonia health hazard information and training provided by the company. FIVE-YEAR ACCIDENT HISTORY: Swiss Valley Farms Company, Monticello, Iowa has never had an accident involving anhydrous ammonia that caused death, injuries, p roperty or environmental damage, evacuations or shelterings in place. THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM: In the event of an emergency involving our anhydrous ammonia system, it is the policy of Swiss Valley Farms Company to immediately notify the Monticello Volunteer Fire Department and the Jones County, Iowa LEPC to request that they respond to the emergency. In the unlikely event that the Monticello Fire Department is unable to adequately respond to an emergency at our Monticello location, the Volunteer Fire Department with whom Monticello has a reciprocal agreement will be summoned. We have discussed this policy with the fire department and Jones County LEPC. Members of the fire department and the LEPC have inspected our anhydrous ammonia plant. In addition, copies of photographs taken of our plant have been provided (for reference) to both entities. PLANNED CHANGES TO IMPROVE SAFETY: None. |