United Water NJ Haworth Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary |
United Water New Jersey Haworth Water Treatment Plant - Anhydrous Ammonia The Program: United Water New Jersey has developed and implemented a risk management program for the Haworth Water Treatment Plant and is also regulated by the OSHA PSM standard. The risk management program has been in place since 1988 and includes process safety information according to a documentation plan. Process Hazard Analyses are conducted on a five year schedule by the Hazard Analysis Team (Team). The Team is composed of members of the Environmental Resources Department, members of the engineering staff, operations and/or maintenance supervisors or other members of the Facilities Maintenance and Production Departments, and technical consultants as necessary. The results are compiled in a written report and the recommendations are tracked by the Environmental Resources Department. The Manager-Production is directly responsible for preparing, communicating, and maintaining standard operating procedu res (SOP's). This person is responsible for preparing SOP's, maintaining the SOP master file and current index, ensuring that SOP's and changes are communicated to operators, conducting annual reviews of the procedures, and generating and incorporating modifications to SOP's. Written standard operating procedures are kept in the System Control Room, the Plant Control Room, the Environmental Resources Central File, the office of the Managing Director - System Operations, Facilities Maintenance, and Technical Support, and various supervisors' offices. Responsibility for the Operator Training Program resides with the Manager - Production. Written training materials include the Chemical Safety Training Handbook and the Haworth Water Treatment Plant Emergency Response Plan. The Operator Training Program requires on-the-job training in addition to annual classroom training. At the end of the classroom training written tests and oral examinations are used to ensure an understanding of the material. Training is tracked by the Environmental Resources Department. The direct responsibility for the Mechanical Integrity/Preventive Maintenance program resides with the Manager - Facilities Maintenance. The program consists of 1) periodic inspection, testing, and servicing of equipment, and 2) procedures for recording repairs, approved modifications, and replacement of equipment. The facility maintains an inventory list of all equipment in service. Documentation and drawings that are necessary for proper servicing of equipment are part of the preventive maintenance program. The program also includes training of preventive maintenance personnel. The HSB database is used to implement and document the program. Equipment maintenance history is analyzed for task completion on a periodic basis by the Manager - Environmental Resources. Lock-out/tag-out, confined space entry permits, and hot work permits have been incorporated in the program. The Management of Change prog ram is a written program that is assured by the Managing Director - System Operations, Facilities Maintenance, and Technical Support. All changes are described in a written report which must be approved and authorized by the Managing Director - System Operations, Facilities Maintenance, and Technical Support. The reports are maintained in the Environmental Resources Central File. Temporary changes are also addressed by this program. The Manager - Environmental Resources is responsible for the written pre-startup Safety Review and the written Compliance Audit programs. The review/audit is performed by members of the Environmental Resources Department, operations/maintenance/production supervisors/staff, and/or technical consultants as necessary. The audit is conducted annually and the results are compiled in a written report. Deficiencies and/or recommendations are noted and a schedule for improvement is developed. Scheduled dates for improvement are tracked by the Manager - Env ironmental Resources. Accident and Potential Catastrophic Event Investigation procedures have been developed to establish the cause of the accident/event and recommend corrective actions. Findings and recommendations are compiled into a written report. The written report is retained in the Environmental Resources Central File and distributed to the responsible managers, the individuals involved in the investigation, and others as applicable. Employee participation is incorporated in each element program description. Written procedures are in place to ensure that work done by contractors is in accordance with the risk management program. The Manager - Facilities Maintenance and the Manager - Production are responsible to oversee the program. The emergency response plan defines the on-site response team, coordination with local emergency response committee and local agencies, equipment, response procedures, training, notification procedures, drills, and drill assessment procedur es. The plan is updated according to recommendations resulting from drill assessments. A safety improvement is planned based on findings from the annual compliance audit. The Chemical: Anhydrous ammonia is used as a final disinfectant in the treatment process for potable water and is inventoried at fifteen thousand pounds, at 70? F. The Worst Case toxic release of anhydrous ammonia is calculated at 0.6 mile by RMP* Comp. An enclosed space is used as passive mitigation. The Alternate Case toxic release of anhydrous ammonia is calculated at 0.1 mile by RMP* Comp. An enclosed space is used as passive mitigation. A scrubber system is used as active mitigation. Release prevention and chemical specific prevention systems in place are relief valves, check valves, manual shutoff, interlocks, alarms and procedures, keyed bypasses, emergency power, rupture disks, excess flow devices, expansion tanks, remote emergency shut-off system, and a shunt breaker system. Mitigation syst ems in place are scrubbers, water mist sprinkler system, and fire walls. The ambient air is monitored by leak detection systems with audible and visual alarms. There is an intercom system in place throughout the facility. There have been no reportable accidents in the past five years involving releases resulting in on-site or off-site impacts or environmental damage. |