ProCaribe - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

                                                            EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 
ProCaribe has made the commitment to operate in accordance to Federal and local Envinonmental Laws and Regulations. We have made the commitment to knowingly engage or participate in no activity that may jeopardize public health or the environment. ProCaribe will conduct its operations in an environmentally prudent manner in orther to protect public health , public safety, employee health , employee safety, willife and the environment. All of our employees will perform their duties in accordance to local and Federal Environmental Laws and in accordance to Conpany Policies. 
Business Activities: 
ProCaribe is a fully refrigerated propane marine terminal. We have a refrigerated storage capacity of 250,000 BBLS in three refrigerated storage tanks, an additional 120,000gallons are stored in four pressurized bullets. We are engaged in the wholesale business, our primary customers are LPG distributors. We a 
lso serve as back up fuel  supply to a 500 MW Power Generating Plant. 
Worst Case Release Scenario: 
-The Scenario. Rupture of 8" pipe in the refrigerated tank base, 10 minutes release. A total of 500,000 pounds of propane released at ground level and subsequent Vapor Cloud Explosion. 
-Distance to endpoint. Using reference table #9, distance to 1 psi overpressure = 0.64 miles. 
Alternative Release Scenario: 
-The Scenario. Vapor Cloud Explosion from 150,000 pounds presurized tank . 
-Distance to endpoint. Using reference table #9 , distance to 1 psi overpressure = 0.43 miles. 
Prevention Program: 
We are covered by OSHA 29 CFR 1910 9 (PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT). Since the the nature of the business is to handle an mantain propane inventories, everything is covered by PSM except the waste water handling activities. 
The most important element of our prevention program is the computerized preventive maintenance system.The relaibility and integrity of the plant is assured, leaving little marg 
in for error. OurTraining Program in the other hand closes the error marging, it allows our personnel to complement the maintenance program with their input in maintenance and operational issues. 
Accident History: 
In the History of the Terminal we have never expirienced an accidental release of propane with offsite consequences. No accidental release of propane has ever resulted in off site or in plant death or injury. No environmental restoration activity has ever been conducted as a result of an accidental release of propane. 
Emergency Responce Program: 
The Emergency Response Plan has been designed to mitigate effects of a potential release of propane. This is accomplished by anticipating potential situations that may affect the terminal. Personnell is trained in this procedures, refresher training and drills are performed with the participation of local responce groups. 
Plans to Improve Safety: 
We have plans to continuoslly improve safety. Improvements are made by adding new tech 
nologies, adding emergency responce equipment, providing responce training and making critical systems redundant as additional back up to help respond to emergencies. We have a capital investment budget dedicated to the implementation of new technologies and  the resolution of safety and environmental concerns raised by the 2 years internal Safety Audits or by the 5 year HAZOP reviews. In ProCaribe there is no compromise with Safety.
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