Casa Di Bertacchi Corporation - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Casa Di Bertacchi produces meatballs and pasta products which are frozen for shipment by using an ammonia refrigeration system (system).  The system contains approximately 10,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonia which is liquified under pressure. 
Casa Di Bertacchi endeavors to eliminate accidents and health hazards to our Associates, customers, and community by providing our Associates educational training, safe working conditions, and the means to increase awareness of potential dangers both on and off the job. Casa Di Bertacchi's objective is to prevent unwanted releases of ammonia into locations that could potentially expose Associates and others to serious hazards.  An effective program requires a systematic approach to evaluating the entire system.  Workplace and process safety are major concerns to management and Associates alike.  The prevention and mitigation of unwanted releases of ammonia into locations that could expose Associates to serious hazards is of primary concern.    
Casa Di Bertacchi has developed this program in accordance with the New Jersey Administrative Code, Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act (TCPA), Title 7, Chapter 31, OSHA Title 29 CFR 1910.119, and the USEPA Title 40 CFR Part 68.  The program is designed to inform all Associates of the hazards of ammonia, procedures for the safe use of ammonia, and the steps taken for the safety of associates in the event of a release or spill (i.e., emergency response plan, management of change procedures, preventative maintenance program, associate training, etc.).  In addition, Casa Di Bertacchi has generated 39 general safety rules to provide a safe working environment which must be signed by each Associate to acknowledge that they have read and understood the rules. 
Casa Di Bertacchi has performed a worst case release scenario and an alternative release scenario to determine the potential impact of a release on the surrounding community.  The worst case release scenario would impact approximately a 0 
.9 mile radius from the facility and the alternative release scenario would impact approximately a 0.2 mile radius from the facility.  Therefore, each scenario has a potential offsite impact.  The worst case release scenario looked at a potential release from the ammonia high pressure receiver which contains approximately 5,300 pounds of ammonia.  The alternative release scenario also dealt with a potential release from the ammonia high pressure receiver through a 1/2-inch hole in this presssure vessel.  USEPA's RMP Guidance for Ammonia Refrigeration reference tables and equations were used in determining the worst case and alternative release scenarios offsite impacts.  A release of either nature is unlikely due to the following:  Casa Di Bertacchi performs routine visual inspections and maintenance on all components which comprise the sytem, the system is computer controlled and has automatic system shutdown capabilities, the ammonia receiver has liquid level alarms which result in t 
he automatic shutdown of the system, the ammonia receiver has liquid level sight glasses which are inspected hourly and must lie in a safe operating range or the system is shutdown, the ammonia receiver has high pressure alarms which automatically shutdown the system if triggered, redundant pressure relief valves, and pressure gauges on the suction and discharge piping for the ammonia receiver which are checked hourly and must lie in a safe operating range or the system is shutdown.  
Casa Di Bertacchi has not had an accidental release of ammonia in the past five years. 
The emergency response program was written to comply with TCPA 7:31-3.10, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119 (n), and USEPA 40 CFR 68.95.  These regulations establish the parameters to be included in the ammonia refrigeration emergency response program.  All Associates receive training under the incident command system (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120) at the first responder awareness level.  Under the incident command system, first responders 
at the awareness level are individuals who are likely to witness or discover an ammonia release and who have been trained to initiate an emergency response sequence by notifying the proper authorities of the release.  Casa Di Bertacchi's emergency response plan includes:  pre-emergency planning and coordination with outside parties (e.g., Vineland Fire Department), Associates roles, lines of authority, training, and communication, emergency recognition and prevention, safe distances and places of refuge, site security and control, evacuation routes and procedures, decontamination, emergency medical treatment and first aid, emergency alerting and response procedures, critique of response and follow-up reports to improve the efficiency and execution of the emergency response plan, and personal protective equipment and emergency equipment to be maintained at the facility (e.g., self contained breathing apparatus).  Casa Di Bertacchi schedules two emergency response exercises per calendar 
year to practice the emergency response plan and identify any inadequacies and areas for improvements.  Casa Di Bertacchi also does a minimum of one tabletop exercise each calendar year.
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