Soda Springs Elev. Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Soda Springs Elevator Inc. 
Soda Springs Facilities 
1.  Facility accidental release policy. 
The owners and employees of Soda Springs Elevator at 31 S. Main  are committed to the prevention of any accidental release of Anhydrous Ammonia.  If an accidental release does occur, the facility is prepared to work with the local fire department or other local authorities to mitigate any release and minimize the impact of the release to the community and the environment.  An emergency response plan has been developed and will be implemented in the event of an accidental release. 
2.  Facility Information 
The primary activity at the facility is the handling and storage of grain, in addition to the sale of fertilizer and prepackaged chemicals to farmers.  Anhydrous Ammonia is recieved stored and distributed for crop production nutrients. 
Anhydrous Ammonia is stored at 31 South Main in a 10,500 gallon portable bullet vessel.   The maximum quantity of Anhydrous Ammonia in this process is 45,000  
3.  The worst case scenario and alternative release scenario 
A.  Anhydrous Ammonia Worst Case and Alternative release scenario. 
The worst case release scenario is failure of the 10,500 tank and release of 45,000 lbs of Anhydrous Ammonia, which represents the volume of the tank at 85 percent capacity as limited by regulations.  The distance to the end point (point of dispersion to 200 ppm) is 1.55 miles.  The alternative release scenario based on the PHA scenarios (or the most likely potential incedent) is a release of 8,000 lbs of anhydrous ammonia from a broken 3 inch hose.  The distance to the end point (point of dispersion to 200 ppm) is 1.2 miles. 
4.  5 year Accident History 
Their has been no accidental releases of Anhydrous Ammonia in the last 5 years that: 
1.  Have caused death injury or significant property damage at the facility.;nor 
2.  Have resulted in off sight deaths, injuries, evacuations property damage or environmental damage. 
5. The Emergency Response Program 
The Emergency response program was written according to OSHA's guidlines. 
6.  Planned changed to improve safety 
Safety improvement is an ongoing process at the facility.  Periodic evaluations are performed to determine what is needed for the continued safety for the employee.  Proper safety gear is furnished to the employee and the customer by SSE.  In summary planned changes address the review and development of standard opperating proceedures for regulated on site processes.
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