Meckling Fertilizer - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

    Meckling Fertilizer has prepared a chemical safety policy to prevent the accidental discharge of anhydrous ammonia.  We are committed to preventing accidents, and conduct continuous inspection of equipment, and constant training for employees working with anhydrous ammonia.  Employees working with anhydrous ammonia have received training for operating procedures established for the transfer, transportation and storage through the use of videos and on the job training. 
    The supply of fertilizers and seed to the agricultural community is the main business at Meckling Fertilizer.  We store anhydrous ammonia in an 18,000-gallon tank, to be used as a fertilizer.  Through a ten-step process designed to prevent accidental discharge, anhydrous is transferred from the main tank, to nurse tanks that are used to transport the product to the customer. 
    Though unlikely, modeling for accidents has been prepared.  A worst case scenario detailing a catastrophic failure of the main tank, a 
s well as a more likely scenario of a broken pipe has been prepared.  In the worst case scenario, the thank will have a maximum capacity of 15,500 gallons because written operating procedures prevent more than 15,500 gallons being present in the tank.  If the main tank were to fail, assuming the entire contents of the tank were released within 10 minutes, a vapor cloud would span 4.9 miles, necessitating an evacuation of residencies within that range.  This event is unlikely to occur because of periodic examinations and maintenance of the tank.  If a catastrophic failure were to occur, the Vermillion Fire Department would be contacted. 
    In the event of a pipe failure, it is much more likely that a reduced amount of ammonia would be released.  Employees would practice emergency shutdown procedures as well as deluging the released ammonia with water to absorb as much as possible.  The assumption used in the worst case scenario is that ammonia is released for 1 minute before it is shu 
t off.  Using the EPA RMP*Comp modeling program it was determined that the release would necessitate an evacuation of areas within 1.3 miles.  In the event of this scenario occurring, the Vermillion Fire Department would be contacted. 
    The accident prevention program conducted involves continual review of operational procedures and safe methods of working with anhydrous ammonia.  Employees also have informational literature available if questions would arise concerning handling of anhydrous ammonia.  Periodic checks and maintenance of equipment also contribute to a safe environment by preventing accidents from occurring.  Due to the diligence paid to preventative measures, there have been no accidental releases of anhydrous ammonia by this facility within the past five years. 
    Employees that work with anhydrous ammonia have received training to prepare them to respond to emergencies.  The Vermillion Fire Department and the Clay County LEPC have been provided with detailed descr 
iptions of the facility to assist them if an emergency were to occur.  An emergency action plan was created and coordinated with local agencies to ensure a timely and appropriate response. 
    The South Dakota Department of Agriculture conducts and annual inspection to ensure compliance with maintenance and upkeep of all anhydrous ammonia handling equipment.  Meckling Fertilizer is constantly on the watch for ways to improve the safety at the facility and we implement new safety procedures and processes to ensure the continued safety of the community.
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