City of Winnfield - Wastewater Treatment Plant - Executive Summary |
28158 LDEQU FACILITY ID NUMBER La 0043915 NPDES Permit Number This is an extended aeration boat clarifier plant that treats domistic sewer for the City of Winnfield and the Town of Joyce started in operation in August of 1988. We treat approximately one million gallons of sewer a day. Chlorine is used to disinfect the effluent of the plant. Chlorine, while dangerous, is easily handled by qualified personnel. All of the people involved in handling, using and storing chlorine have been extensively educated and will continue to be educated in it's safe use. The plant consistently removes and average of 94% of the waste that enters the plant and discharges the treated water to Creosote Branch. Two full time operators, (State Certified-Class IV), operate the plant during a five day week with daily inspection taking place on the weekends. There has never been a reportable accident at the plant in the eleven years it has been in operation. We have compiled the safety information on the plan t (as the law requires). This consists of all the specifications, codes and standards used in the material and consturction of the plant. Also all the information on the chlorine or any other chemcial used in the plant. We have done a safety review of the safety procedures at the plant (as the law requires). This consists of a review of all the procedures to be used in the case of an accident or spill of hazardous materials. Also the policys and procedures that will be employed in case of any type of emergency. We have established operation procedures at the plant (as the law requires). This consist of a complete set of policys and procedures to be used in the operation and maintenance of all the equipment located at the treatment plant. We have and continue to provide training at the plant (as the law requires). Louisiana Rural Water Association Schools, Hazardous Materials Awareness Schools, Safe Chlorine Handling Schools, Louisiana Conference on Water Supply, Sewerage, and Indust rial Waste, Inc. Schools for certification requirements ( at least 40 hours per two years). We perform the necessary maintenance to the plant (as the law requires) and as directed by the operation and maintenance manuals addressing the sections on operating procedures. We conduct compliance audits of ourselves (as the law requires) on an annual basis. Which means we review our emergency preparness manual on a yearly basis to determine if any changes have affected our procedures and we adjust them accordingly. We have accident investigation procedures in place (as the law requires). So we will have a plan for investigating any accidents that occur so we may learn from them and change our procedures to avoid them in the future. |