City of Bogalusa Well Site #6 - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The City of Bogalusa is committed to a continuous effort to improve safety at Well Site #6 at 1200 North Avenue.  Ongoing equipment improvement and maintenance upgrades have been implemented.  A preventive maintenance contract is in place and operators check the equipment daily. 
The Water Well Site #6 is in a populated area.  There are residences, churches, schools and commercial buildings in the vicinity.  Chlorine is stored in one ton and 150 pound cylinders.  The normal amount stored on site is one ton cylinder in use and another available.  There are two to three 150 pound cylinders on site as a back up. 
The Risk Management Program requires that two scenarios be developed to demonstrate the results on any accidental release of any regulated substances used in a process.  The first is a worst-case scenario.  This scenario assumes that the entire contents of the largest vessel containing chlorine is released in a 10 minute period.  Since the well site's largest vessel is a one ton  
cylinder, it is estimated that 200 pounds of chlorine would be released per minute.  The model used for determining the toxic endpoint is EPA's RMP Guidance for Waste Water Treatment Plants Reference Tables or Equations.  Using this model, the calculated distance to the toxic endpoint, with a wind speed of 1.5 meters per second, an atmospheric stability class of F, and a topography description of rural, is 3.0 miles.  Public receptors withing that distance include private residences, churches, schools, hospitals, recreation areas and businesses and other public and commercial buildings. 
The second scenario is an alternative release.  this is a more realistic scenario for an accidental release.  The same model was used for determining the toxic endpoint as was used in the worst case scenario.  In this case we said a faulty valve on a 150 pound cylinder releases the entire contents in a 10 minute period.  The model for this scenario uses a wind speed of 3 meters per second, an atmospher 
ic stability class D, and a topography description of rural.  The distance to the toxic endpoint is .2 miles.  Public receptors within that distance include private residences, a school, churches, recreation areas and businesses.  There are no mitigating measures in place except that the vessels are covered, but exposed to outside air. 
The City of Bogalusa has a combined Safety, Prevention and Emergency Response Plan.  Daily visual inspections of all vessels is made by operators and periodic inspection and maintenance is done by an outside contractor.  Signs, identifying hazardous chemicals, are in place and the area is fenced and locked.  All facility employees have been trained in the proper handling of chlorine and have completed the 24 hour HAZMAT Technician course in accordance with 29CFR1910.120.  
Well Site #6 is included in the City of Bogalusa Fire Department's Emergency Response Program and has written emergency response procedures.  The Fire Department and the operators kee 
p repair kits for all chlorine cylinders.  A major release would be handled by the fire department.  Small accidental releases would be handled by employees of the facility.  Repair kits, PPE including SCBA and first aid supplies are available on the operators' vehicle.  The Fire Department conducts quarterly safety audits.
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