Delaware River Regional Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

New Jersey - American Water Company is New Jersey's largest private water utility, providing drinking water to over 300,000 people.  During the treatment process New Jersey - American uses chlorine gas from ton containers to help disinfect the water.  In order to protect our neighbors from an accidental release of chlorine New Jersey - American has had a comprehensive written risk management program in place for over 10 years.   This program addresses all aspects of process safety from operations to emergency response. 
New Jersey-American Water Company incorporated state of the art safety controls while designing the new Delaware River Treatment Plant.  A chlorine scrubber was installed in the treatment room to capture and neutralize any chlorine gas before it can be released into the atmosphere in the event of a release.  
Although the plant is designed so that any chemical release is stopped automatically, all associates at New Jersey-American Water Company are trained how to proper 
ly handle hazardous substances and  respond to emergency situations.  All new associates must first meet the basic job requirements before they are even considered for a job handling hazardous chemicals.  After an individual is accepted into a position they undergo 60 days of on-the-job and classroom training.  At the end of this period a written exam is administered to determine the level of comprehension of the employee.  Supervisory personnel also continuously evaluate the associate during the 60-day trial period.  All associates attend annual refresher training to maintain their skills and knowledge. 
Standard operating procedures (SOPS) have been developed for all processes involving chlorine.   These procedures are taken directly from manufacturer's equipment manuals or recognized industry standards. The SOPs describe the normal operation of the equipment, any abnormal conditions and the response to this type of condition in order to bring the equipment back into normal operating 
parameters.  All employees are trained on the SOPs and review them annually.    
A comprehensive preventive maintenance program exists at NJAWC in order to assure the proper operation of all equipment.   Every piece of chlorine equipment has been identified and is included in the PM program.  Equipment is inspected and maintained on a schedule based on manufacturer's recommendations or industry standards.  In the absence of any written recommendations all equipment is inspected on an annual basis. Associates responsible for maintenance are trained on procedures before they are allowed to perform any work on the equipment. 
A hazard analysis is conducted every 5 years to determine if there are any possible release scenarios for the treatment plant.  This analysis evaluates every possible leak location and reviews the protective measures that are in place or could be implemented to prevent such a release. The hazard analysis is performed by individuals who are familiar with the equipmen 
t and work with it on a daily basis under the guidance of a Loss Control Manager. Recommendations are forwarded to the Responsible Manager for implementation.  
Any change in policy, procedures and equipment goes through an exhaustive review before implementation.  This review insures that all aspects of the change are studied and understood before any modification of the system is undertaken.  Corrections are made to SOPs, drawings, emergency response and training before any change to insure that all operations are done properly with the new equipment.  A procedure is also in place to guarantee that there is always an individual in charge of the RMP program in the event of supervisory changes in NJAWC.   
In the rare event that despite the above procedures there is a leak or release of chlorine associates at NJAWC are trained in emergency response actions.   Individuals first go to 40 hours of training in emergency response and chemical hazards.  This training includes instruction on  
the proper personal protective equipment and tools to stop a release.  Associates then attend an 8-hr. refresher class every year to maintain skills.   Drills are held annually to insure that the emergency response program works as it is designed.  The drills are evaluated and if corrective actions needed they are implemented.  The plan is distributed to the local emergency planning committees (LEPC) and they are invited to attend the drills.   
Accident investigation procedures have been developed to determine the root cause of any release and to correct the cause as quickly as possible.  The accident investigation is conducted by the responsible manager who will follow-up on any corrective actions necessary.       
The risk management program is formally audited annually to insure that there are no deviations from the policies and procedures involved in the handling of chlorine.
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