Boise Cascade Corporation - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

16145 LDEQ Facility ID Number 
Boise Cascade Corporation (Boise Cascade) has contracted with C-K Associates, Inc. (C-K Associates) to determine the offsite consequence of the Accidental Release Prevention (ARP) Program (40 CFR 68) and to complete a hazard assessment as required under the ARP Program.  Based on the chemical quantities on site, predicted offsite impacts, subjection to Process Safety Management PSM), and the five-year accident history, the Boise Cascade Paper Mill (the Mill) has one Program 3 process under the ARP Program.   
The only chemical at the Mill subject to the ARP Program is chlorine, which is categorized as a toxic dense gas.  No regulated flammables are stored above threshold quantity; therefore, no scenarios for flammable materials were developed. 
The offsite consequence of each chemical release scenario for Boise Cascade was determined utilizing either the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidelines, 
published May 24, 1996, or episodic computer models.  This report documents the steps taken to determine the program applicability and offsite consequence analysis development. These steps include: 
7 determination of program applicability; 
7 identification of chemical quantities in each process; and 
7 completion of the off-site consequence analysis and impacts. 
In addition to the hazard assessment, a prevention program and emergency response program are required for Program 3 processes.  The hazard assessment information contained herein constitutes a portion of the Risk Management Plan.
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