Pawtucket Water Supply Board - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Pawtucket water supply Board, hence known as, P.W.S.B.. is committed to being a responsible member of the community in which it serves, and its employees, by giving top priority to operating in a safe and environmentally sound manner. This P.W.S.B. policy dictates that its facilities identify methods to reduce the use of hazardous materials, and to reduce the risk to its employees, the community, and the environment through implementation of inherently safer technology, and procedures. The P.W.S.B. stresses safe and environmentally sound operation in employee training programs. The P.W.S.B. along with the City of Pawtucket, have formed safety committees to address safety concerns of its employees, and surrounding communities. The P.W.S.B.  staff has written a standard operating procedure manual which is avlable to all employees on the safe handling of chemicals in the work place, along with all material safety data sheets. The P.W.S.B. conducts safety and environmental audits along 
with local and governmental agencies. This risk management program document has been prepared to meet the requirements of the EPA Risk Management Program regulations as stated in 40 CFR 68 ("RMP Regulations")
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