Power Logistics - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1.  The Power Logistics facility was built for fHormel Foods to use as a Distribution Center for most of the 50 states and export. 
2.  Power Logistiacs is a 200,000 sq ft cold storage warehouse.  The refrigeration system is run by Logic Tech installed computer system.  The system can run on auto or controlled manually.  Operating temperature is from 24 to -30.  We have a back-up generator in case of lost power that supplies power to computers, emergency lights, and fire safety equipment. 
3.  The offsite consequences analysis includes consideration of two ammonia release scenarios, worst case and alternate.  This is defined by EPA which states that the owner or operator shall assume that the maximum quantity in the largest vessel is released as a liquid over 10 minutes due to a failure.  The alternative is more likely to occur than the worst case.  Emergency response planning was done and figured by RMP COMP 1.05f to get our distance to end point of 0.8 miles on worst case.  The alter 
nate release scenario is a gasket leaking on one of the valve station located on the roof.  Usune RMP COMP    1.05 we end with 0.1 miles to end point.  We have state of the art ammonia system with ammonia detectors, sprinkler system, strobe lights, and horn.  All maintenance ans some supervisors are
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