Androscoggin Energy Center - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Executive Summary 
Androscoggin Energy Corporation is an electric and steam co-generation facility in Jay, Maine.  Androscoggin Energy uses an ammonia solution in off-gas scrubbing.  The energy facility will store the aqueous ammonia in an outside 30,000 gallon (approximately 235,000 pounds) above-ground storage tank.  The storage tank is surrounded with a dike whose area is 220 ft. with a depth of 5 ft.  The inlet to the tank is equipped with a check valve that prevents the aqueous ammonia from flowing out of the tank and manual shut-off valves.  Under administrative controls, the volume of aqueous ammonia in the tank will not exceed 24,000 gallons (188,000 pounds).  The tanks is equipped with a modem set-up that alerts the aqueous ammonia supplier of the tank level.   
The worst case scenario involves a spill of the maximum contents of the tank.  Given the administrative control to limit the volume to 24,000 gallons, the presence of the dike and the assumed complete failure of all ot 
her accident prevention devices, the worst-case scenario was established.  The distance to the toxic endpoint of a spill of this magnitude would reach 0.9 miles which includes 139 people within this radius.  Toxic endpoint modeling was accomplished using the RMP* Comp model; census information was obtained using LandView III.
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