Town of Somerset Water Treatment Facility - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Town of Somerset Water Treatment Facility is located on County Street in Somerset Massachusetts(at the intersection of Wetstone Hill Road).  At this Water Treatment Facility water is processed at an average delivery of approximately three(3) million gallons per day for the community.  Liquid chlorine is received in one-ton containers for use in the facility in its process to disinfect drinking water. Containers are shipped in pairs(two tons) to the facility, and the maximum amount stored in the facility would be just under three tons (6,000 pounds).  Ordering of chlorine containers is done when two containers are empty, at that point two additional containers full of liquid chlorine are received.  All containers both empty and full containers and the one in use are included on an inventory sheet to track the amount of chlorine stored within the facility. 
Chlorine is used at a rate of approximately sixty five pounds per day in its treatment process, and is always withdrawn as a gas. 
 Cylinder received and the unloading of cylinders and their connection to the feed system performed by two (2) individuals who have been trained in chlorine handling,chlorine safety, and follow developed policies and procedures for these tasks. 
During the construction and renovation of the Water Treatment Facility in 1994, new chlorine feed systems were installed which rely on system vacuum allowing chlorine gas to be withdrawn from the ton containers; and the use of vacuum regulators which are directly mounted to the container valves, thus eliminating the use of chlorine whip connections and the potential problems associated with them.  Also, by utilizing the regulator mounted directly on the cylinder no pressurized chlorine gas will be present away from the cylinder, also any break in system vacuum will stop the withdrawal of chlorine gas at the container. 
Startup training on all components of the chlorine feed equipment was conducted during 1994 when the treatment facility was reno 
vated and this new equipment was installed.  At that time all employees were trained on this feed equipment along with system operation,chlorine safety,and troubleshooting.  The department also has an annual service contract to provide for the repair and preventative maintenance of all components of the chlorine feed system  including chlorine detection equipment. The department also has on hand an ample supply of repair parts and preventative maintenance kits to service all of the system components. 
Periodic safety audits are performed by the Town of Somerset Fire Department along with safety reviews by the Towns Insurance Carriers.  The Somerset Water Department is committed to provide a safe and environmentally sound operation for both its employees and members of its community,by providing annual safety training on the use of chlorine,and its risks and hazzards; and by developing and following safe and proper and approved procedures along with department policies, and continuing to 
review these with our workforce the risk of accidental release at this facility is minimized
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