La Junta Terminal - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE POLICIES:  This facility complies with DOT requirements for transportation facilities.  It is corporate policy to adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws.  If an emergency were to occur, it is our policy to notify the following agencies:  Otero County LEPC,  Colorado Division of Emergency Services, and the local fire and police departments. 
DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY AND REGULATED SUBSTANCES HANDLED:  This facility is a petroleum bulk terminal.  It is primarily engaged in the pipeline transportation and wholesale distribution of refined petroleum products.  Propane  is contained within eighteen (18) 25,536 gallon and two (2) 52,836 gallon propane storage tanks. 
WORST-CASE AND ALTERNATIVE RELEASE SCENARIOS:  The worst case scenario is considered to be a failure of one 52,536 gallon propane storage tank.  The resulting distance to the 1.0 psi overpressure endpoint does not extend offsite.  There are no public receptors wi 
thin the distance to the endpoint.  This is a Program 1 facility which does not require an alternative release scenario. 
GENERAL ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION PROGRAM AND CHEMICAL-SPECIFIC PREVENTION STEPS:  This facility complies with the EPA's accident prevention rule, OSHA's Process Safety Management rule, DOT RSPA and all applicable state and local codes and regulations.  The propane system is designed, installed and maintained in accordance with EPA, DOT and state laws. 
FIVE-YEAR ACCIDENT HISTORY:  We have not had a propane accident that caused deaths, injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations, or sheltering in place during the past 5 years. 
EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM:  In the event of an emergency involving our propane pipelines, it is our policy to notify the Otero County LEPC, Colorado Division of Emergency Services, and the local police and fire departments.  This policy has been discussed with the fire department so that they may render assistance as necessar 
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