South Hampton Refining Company - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

South Hampton Refining Company SHRCO) is composed of 60 employees who live and work in the Silsbee, Texas area.  In business at the same location since 1955, the company is a quality producer of high purity solvents such as pentanes and hexanes.  These solvents are necessary to produce items that consumers in the Silsbee area use on a daily basis.  Styrofoam containers and auto parts are just two examples. 
The Risk Management Program rule requires the development of scenarios for the accidental release of a toxic and a flammable chemical.  SHRCO has no threshold quantities of toxic chemicals which are listed.  For the flammables the worst case scenario is an instantaneous release of 1657500 lbs of pentane that is estimated to affect a radius of 0.9 miles.  The altenative scenario is the release of 1300 lbs/min of isopentane for a duration of 10 minutes.  The release distance for the alternative scenario is less that 0.1 miles. 
The accident prevention steps in-place include primary pr 
essure relief to the flare and secondary relief to the atmosphere for storage tanks, dike wall to contain spills, remote valves to isolate tanks, emergency shut-in procedures, mechanical integrity inspection program and 24-hour on-site surveillance. 
The flammable regulated substances that are stored on-sitewhich exceed the thrshold quantity are pentane, isopentane, hydrogen, hexane, butane, isohexane, isobutane, methane, ethane, ethylene and hydrogen.   
SHRCO  had only one accident release that qualifies as a release under the Risk Management Program rule.  This was a release of butane which took place in 1994. 
SHRCO has an integrated contingency plan (one plan) that has been prepared to satify regulatory requirements.  In the event of an emergency, Garner Environmental will be the response contractor that will used by SHRCO.  The Silsbee Fire Department and the Local Emergency Planning Committee will also be involved in the response activities. 
SHRCO understands that no operation  
can be completely safe from accidents taking place.  SHRCO recognizes that safety is an ongoing issue.  Improvements will be made on a regular basis by getting the employees and the community to express their viewpoints to try and enhance their safety.
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