Home Treatment Facility - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Citizens Utilities Water Company of Pennsylvania Home Treatment Facility handles up to 3 - 1 Ton chlorine cylinders.  Emergency Response and Accidental Release Prevention Policies have been instituted to include:  operation and maintenance procedures, training of employees, incident investigation, notification procedures in the event of a chlorine release, PPE for trained employees, on-site and off-site emergency response plans and procedures for notifying the local emergency planning committee in the event their response is necessary. 
The facility has had no accidents resulting in on-site or off-site releases. 
Two scenarios for off-site consequences have been completed.  The Worst-case scenario describes the release of an entire 1 - Ton cylinder in a 10 minute period or 200 pounds per minute.  Since the cylinder is housed within a building, the release rate has been reduced to 110 pounds per minute.  Atmospheric conditions utilized for the scenario include a wind speed of 1.5 me 
ters per sc=econd and an atmospheric stability class of F.  Under these conditions, the distance to the toxic endpoint was 2.2 miles. 
Teh alternate-release scenario was based on a chlorine container isolation valve failure.  This is the most common malody that results in an accidental release of chlorine gas.  A release rate of 0.2 pounds per minute was modeled, along with a wind speed of 3.0 meters per second and an atmospheric stability class of D.  Public off-site impacts were noted from this scenario. 
An on-site Emergency Response Program and other safety information have been developed.  This program has been integrated with the Hazardous Materials Off-Site Emergency Response Plan. 
This Risk Management Program will be updated as necessary based on changes in facility processes, if they occur.  The program will undergo review at least every 5 years if no changes occur.
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