Stony Garden Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Citizens Utiities Water Company of Pennsylvania Stony Garden Treatment Facility handles up to 4 - 1 Ton chlorine cylinders.  Emergency Response and Accidental Release Prevention policies have been instituted to include:  operation and maintenance procedures, training of employees, incident investigation, notification procedures in the event of a chlorine release, PPE for trained employees, on-site and off-site emergency response plans and procedures for notifying the local emergency planning committee in the event their response is necessary. 
The facility has had no accidents resulting in on-site or off-site releases. 
Two scenarios for off-site consequences have been completed.  The worst-case scenario describes the release of an entire 1-Ton cylinder in a 10 minute time period or 200 pounds per minute.  Since the cylinder is housed within a building, the release rate has been reduced to 110 pounds per minute.  Atmospheric conditions utilized for this scenario include a wind spee 
d of 1.5 meters per second and an atmospheric stability class of F.  Under these conditions, the distance to the Toxic Endpoint Limit was 2.2 miles. 
The alternate-release scenario was based on a chlorine container isolation valve failure.  This is the most common malody that results in an accidental release of chlorine gas.  A release rate of 0.2 pounds per minute was modeled, along with a wind speed of 3.0 meters per second and an atmospheric stability class of D.  No off-site impacts were noted from this scenario. 
An on-site Emergency Response Program and other safety information  have been developed.  This program has been integrated with the Hazardous Materials Off-Site Emergency Response Plan. 
This Risk Management Program will be updated as necessary based on changes in facility processes, if they occur.  The program will undergo review at least every five years if no changes occur.
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