Solkatronic Chemicals, Inc. Morrisville, PA - Executive Summary

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Executive Summary 
Solkatronic Chemicals, Inc. 
Morrisville, PA Operations Facility 
1.  Accidental release prevention and emergency response policies: 
At this facility, we manufacture Arsine and Hydrogen Selenide. We purify and transfill Trichlorosilane,  Chlorine, and Ammonia.  It is our policy to adhere to all applicable Federal, State, and Local rules and regulations.  Safety depends upon the manner in which we handle these products combined with the safety devices inherent in the design of this facility.  Safe work practices and training of our personnel supplement the inherent safe design of the plant. 
Our emergency response program is based upon OSHA's HAZWOPER regulation and the CGA COMPGEAP Program defined by NFPA 472. The emergency response plan includes procedures for the notification of the local Fire Authority and Hazardous Materials unit. A detailed Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP) provides detailed plans, actions, and contacts for on or off-site incidents tha 
t may occur. 
2.  The stationary source and regulated substances handled: 
The primary purpose of this facility is the manufacturing, purification, and fill of specialty gases used in the electronics and fiber optics industry. Those materials included in the RMP that are manufactured include Arsine and Hydrogen Selenide.  Arsine is manufactured under vacuum by the addition of water and acid onto an Arsenic compound.  Crude Arsine gas is evolved, collected, purified, and packaged.  Hydrogen Selenide is manufactured under pressure by thermally reacting Hydrogen and Selenium to produce the finished product which is then packaged.  Other materials that are purified and/or repackaged under RMP include Ammonia, Chlorine, and Trichlorosilane.   All of which are taken from a bulk source and are repackaged and/or purified to various size containers within enclosed systems. Residual gases or vapors are vented to state of the art wet scrubbing systems with 99.97% efficiency. 
The regulated substa 
nces handled and triggered at this facility are: 
7 Approximately 20,000 pounds (tank) of anhydrous Ammonia leading to one of two fill systems. 
7 Over 1000 pounds of aggregate storage of Arsine gas on the rear loading dock of the facility. 
7 A Chlorine ton unit containing 2000 lbs. to the fill process involving an additional 800-1000 lbs. aggregate storage or fill. 
7 At least 500 pound of aggregate storage of Hydrogen Selenide on the rear loading dock of the facility. 
7 As a flammable liquid, 40,000 lbs. of Trichlorosilane is stored in a bulk ISO container. 
3.  The worst-case release scenario(s) and the alternative release scenario(s), including administrative controls and mitigation measures to limit the distance for each reported scenario: 
Below is a description of the WCS': 
* With a Toxic End Point of 0.00066 for Hydrogen Selenide (TOXIC) and an outdoor release of a 160 pound cylinder over 10 minutes, the Toxic End Point would reach an off-site receptor. 
* WIth a 40,000 pound rele 
ase of Trichlorosilane (FLAMMABLE), a 1 psi overpressure reaches an off-site receptor. 
Below is a description of the ARS: 
*ARSINE - With a line shear downstream in the process (INDOORS), a mitigated release of 0.22 pounds through a scrubber reaches an off-site receptor at 0.1 miles. 
*HYDROGEN SELENIDE - WIth a line shear downstream in the process (INDOORS), a mitigated release of 0.117 pounds through a scrubber reaches an off-site receptor at 0.1 miles. 
*AMMONIA - The overfilling of the 20k gallon tank releases through the relief device (OUTDOORS) reaches an off-site receptor at 0.2 miles. 
*CHLORINE - The failure of a Chlorine Ton Unit safety device releases (OUTDOORS) 20.76 pounds and reaches an off-site receptor at 0.2 miles. 
*TRICHLOROSILANE - The transfer line rupture from the tanker truck to the fill tank (OUTDOORS) fails releasing 3820 pounds causing a Lower Flammability Limit at 0.1 miles. 
4.  The general accidental release prevention program and specific prevention steps: 
e facility complies with the Federal EPA's Accidental Release Prevention Plan and OSHA's Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation.  The design and construction of the facility complies with applicable state and industry codes. 
5.  Five-year accident history: 
Per the requirements of EPA RMP, there have been no accidents or accidental releases of flammable liquids, toxic liquids, or toxic gases that have had off-site consequences. 
6.  The emergency response program: 
The facility's emergency response program is based upon OSHA's HAZWOPER standard and the CGA COMPGEAP program defined by NFPA 472.  At this site, employees are trained to recognize emergencies and initiate emergency response from outside agencies if necessary.  They have been trained to OSHA's Operations Level as a minimum or as a HazMat Technician.  The employees receive annual refresher training in their role in the emergency plan.  Emergency response activities have also been coordinated with the local municipalities 
. This includes an aggressive Local Mutual Aid group from surrounding industry and Emergency Services.  Periodic drills are conducted with these groups/agencies to review the effectiveness of our emergency procedures.  The last drill held in October of 1997 and again in May 1999. 
7.  Planned changes to improve safety: 
Safety and Environmental Protection is of utmost importance to Solkatronic Chemicals, Inc.  Through OSHA regulations as a minimum, the implementation of the CMA Responsible CARE initiative, and excellent Accident Prevention Programs, improvements to Safety is an ongoing continuous improvement process.
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