| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Water Treatment Plant has seven empolyees and run 24 hours a day, with only one man on at a time for an eight hr. shift. We treat river water for the city and raual water customers (12,500) population, at a rate of 1.8 MGD avg. daily flow. Within the process we us CHLORINE to disinfect the water, at a feed rate of  <7.0 mg/L,applied in two locations. 
Chlorine is packaged in one Ton cylinders, of which we have more than one full one at all times. There is a maxium storage of not more than 6000 pounds at a time. 
Gas presurre is used off one tank at a time and piped to Wallece and Tiernan 731 Chlorinator machine and then a solution of water and chlorine is piped to one of two points and appiled to the water to kill the pathoganic bact.  
The system was engineered. to meet all the reguirements when bulit, and has been maintained in like mannor.  We have added a GAS sensory within the Chlorine Room to sound an alarm of a possible leak, that gives off an AUDIBLE TONE. There are two exshust fa 
ns, that draw air off the floor area, sense Cl2 gas is 2.6 times heavry than air. Also both Doors have a 2 x 3 foot glass window in them.
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