U. S. Foodservice Oklahoma Division - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

U. S. Foodservice Oklahoma City, OK 
RMP Executive Summary 
Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies 
The U. S. Foodservice Oklahoma City, OK complies with the guidelines published by the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) for equipment specification and operating procedures, and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) for emergency response. U. S. Foodservice also complies with the OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) standard for ammonia. If an emergency were to occur, it is our policy to notify the Oklahoma City Fire Department and request that they respond.  As a newly constructed facility, process safety was highly considered during design and subsequent hazard analysis.  
Stationary Source and Regulated Substances 
The U. S. Foodservice facility in Oklahoma City, OK receives, stores and distributes frozen food. Many of the products must be stored at temperatures near or below freezing and, therefore, ammonia refrigeration syste 
ms are needed to cool and/or freeze different areas throughout the process.  
The facility was inventoried to determine the amount of ammonia typically stored on-site, as well as the amount of ammonia that could be stored in each piece of process equipment. The total system ammonia charge is 15,198 pounds. The largest vessel present in the system is the high-pressure receiver.   This vessel is filled to 80% of its capacity by NFPA codes, therefore the maximum quantity of 11,400 lbs. which is the amount used in the worst case release calculations. 
Worst Case Release Scenario and the Alternate Release Scenario 
The Worst-Case Release Scenario was determined to be the failure of the high-pressure receiver (11,400 lbs), when filled to the greatest amount (80% or 11,400 lbs). The high-pressure receiver is contained within a building. Using PhastProfessional computer modeling the distance to endpoint is a circle centered at the Compressor Room, with a 1.14-mile radius equivalent to the toxi 
c endpoint of 0.14 mg/L.  The worst case impact zone contains residential homes with a total population of 483 people. 
For the Alternative-Case Release Scenario, a rupturing of a 1 < " pipe was used. The Compressor Room is equipped with an exhaust. Therefore passive and active mitigation measures were accounted for in estimating the distance to endpoint. The impact zone encompasses a circle with a radius of 0.39 miles. The alternative scenario extends to a neighboring residential and industrial facilities.  
Accidental Release Prevention Program and Chemical Specific Prevention Steps 
This U. S. Foodservice facility complies with the EPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable state and local codes and regulations. First and most, important, this facility is designed to promote prevention, both in the building itself and the equipment used as part of the refrigeration process. Written procedures are in place to manage changes in process chemicals, technology, equipment and proce 
dures. Audits are regularly conducted to determine if all safety provisions are being properly implemented. We have a preventative maintenance program and maintenance schedule which includes regular maintenance of compressors, pumps, evaporators, condensers, control valves, ammonia detectors, scrubbers and emergency response equipment. U. S. Foodservice promptly investigates any incident that has resulted in, or could reasonably result in, a catastrophic release of ammonia with prevention as our goal. U. S.  Foodservice employees are encouraged to voice their views on accident prevention issues and to recommend possible changes because we believe that safety management and accident prevention require a team effort. 
U. S. Foodservice also is regulated by the OSHA Process Safety Management Rule (PSM). This regulation requires many of the same regulations as the RMP requirements for Program 3 such as; Process Safety Information, Process Hazard Analysis, Operating Procedures, Training, Me 
chanical Integrity and others. The PSM rule also includes Employee Participation, Pre-Startup Safety Reviews and Trade Secrets.  
Five Year Accident History 
This is a new facilitythat has not had an accident. 
Emergency Response Program 
U. S. Foodservice has a written emergency response plan that is filed with the Oklahoma County LEPC. The Oklahoma City emergency response team receives training on firefighting, hazardous materials and emergency medicine. The emergency response equipment is regularly inspected and serviced. U. S. Foodservice closely communicates with local and county response teams such as the Oklahoma City Fire Department and the Oklahoma County LEPC. 
Planned Changes to Improve Safety 
Based on this review of the ammonia refrigeration system there are no planned changes to improve safety at this time, however U. S. Foodservice is dedicated to continuously strive to achieve safety levels that equal or surpass the best in the industry.
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