NASSAU BAY WWTP - UPPER BAY - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

A risk management program was conducted for the activities, materials, and physical features of the wastewater treatment plant that my contribute to the release of hazardous materials.  Chlorine used in the disinfecting process was found to be the only substance that exceed the threshold quantity as described in 40 CFR Part 68.  Periodic evaluation of the chlorine system is performed by the mangement team to determine if necessary maintenance and repair is required.  The specific handling, storage and repair of chlorine tanks is provided by an outside distributor.  All connections made from the tanks to the chlorination system is done by the process operator following strict operating procedures.  Since the treatment plant is located nearby residential, commercial, recreational, and school areas; the effectiveness of the prevention plan is of greater importance. A  worst case scenario involving the release of chlorine would affect all of these areas including approximately 5,000 people 
.The alternative release scenario would include exposure in residential, recreational, and commercial areas affecting approximately 300 people.  If a leak does occur, mitigation procedure would be followed by assessing the severity of the spill.  The Districts Public Works Director shall be informed and notify local authorities if required.  All accidental spills or leaks shall be recorded and submitted to federal and state agency.  The general accident release prevention program includes qualified personnel conducting routine visual inspection of designated equipment and areas of the facility.  The facility has not experienced a chemical spill within the last five year.  The emergency response program include procedures to address emergency that must be carried out immediately whenever there is a release of chlorine that could threaten human health or the environment.
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