Valspar Coatings - Green Oaks - Executive Summary |
Accidental Release and Emergency Response Policies It is Valspar's policy to operate its plants in a manner that protects its employees, the public, and the environment. It is our policy to adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws. The Valspar Green Oaks warehouse has a detailed, practiced Emergency Action Plan that is utilized to respond to any accidental releases. Facility Description This facility is a warehouse which stores and ships consumer paint products. The products include aerosol spray cans which utilize propane as the propellant. The propane in the cans require us to comply with Risk Management Plan rule. Worst Case Release Scenario As required by the RMP regulation, the worst case release scenario was calculated by assuming the entire contents of the largest container were released. A rupture of a single 16 ounce spray was considered the worst case scenario. The can contains 0.4 pounds of propane and the release would result in a vapor cloud explo sion. According to EPA's RMP*Comp (TM) Version 1.02 software and EPA's OCA Guidance, the distance to endpoint 0.006 miles or 18 feet. RMP Comp version 1.02 was used to calculate the distance because this earlier verion gave a more precise endpoint distance. Because of limitations in the software provided by EPA, the distance to endpoint had to be entered as 0.1 miles and the quantity of material released as 1 pound. The actual amount of material released is 0.4 pounds which results in a distance to endpoint of 0.006 miles. There are no public receptors within this distance. General Accidental Release and Chemical Specific Prevention Programs Five Year Accident History This facility has never had an accident involving propane that caused deaths, injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations, or sheltering in place. Emergency Response Program In the event of an emergency, we will immediately notify the Libertyville Fire Department and rely on their expertise to hand le the situation. The fire department has a well-trained response team and is familiar with our processes. We have contracted with a qualified emergency response firm to aid in the clean up of a release. Planned Changes to Improve Safety We have an ongoing and continuing process to update and review our shipping and storage processes for safety considerations. |