ADM - Valdosta - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

a. Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies 
This facility uses ammonia as a refrigerant in its refinery and packaging plant.  The facility observes safety precautions in handling ammonia to reduce the threat to workers, members of the community, and the environment, and adheres to applicable Federal and state rules and regulations. Safety depends upon the manner in which the facility handles ammonia, the safety devices inherent in the design of the facility, the safe handling procedures that are used, and the training of personnel. 
Emergency response for this facility is coordinated with the Valdosta Fire Department.  This includes procedures for notifying the Fire Department in the event of an accident involving ammonia. 
b. The Stationary Source and the Regulated Substances Handled 
This facility consists of an oilseed processing plant, a vegetable oil refinery, and a refined oils packaging plant.  The regulated substance used at this facility is ammonia.  Ammo 
nia is used as refrigerant at the facility's refinery and packaging plant. 
c. Off-Site Consequence Analysis 
Worst-Case Scenario: As a worst-case scenario, it is assumed that the entire contents of the single largest ammonia vessel (the accumulator) is released as vapor over a ten minute period.  The accumulator is indoors, so the building was considered passive mitigation for purposes of the analysis. 
Alternative Scenario: A more realistic release scenario involving ammonia would be a slow vapor release from the receiver resulting from a transfer hose failure. 
d. Accidental Release Prevention 
The key concepts in this facility's prevention program are the elements of the Process Safety Management Program:  employee participation, process safety information, analysis of hazards, operating procedures and safe work practices, personnel training, contractor programs, pre-startup reviews, maintenance and mechanical integrity programs, hot work permit procedures, management of change pro 
cedures, incident investigations, emergency planning and response, and compliance audits. 
e. Five-Year Accident History 
In June 1996 this facility had an ammonia release during an upset condition in the refrigeration system.  Two contractors were injured during the incident, taken to the hospital, treated and released. 
In June 1999 this facility had an ammonia release during an attempt to repair a shut-off valve on a liquid ammonia line.  Two employees and three contractors sought medical treatment following the incident.  Residents and surrounding businesses within a one-mile radius of the plant were evacuated.  Operating procedures were revised as a result of the release to ensure that valves are not under pressure while repairs are being made.  Operating procedures were also established for pressure testing for leaks after modifications or repairs have been made.  In addition, training programs have been revised and updated to reflect the changes in operating procedures. 
f. Emer 
gency Response Program 
Emergency response at this facility is coordinated with the Valdosta Fire Department, such that in the event of an accident, immediate emergency response measures can be implemented. 
g. Planned Changes to Improve Safety 
As a result of a recent safety review of this facility's ammonia refrigeration system, this facility has added relief valves to the sytem's barometric exchangers and installed dual relief valves on the system's votators.  In addition, the facility is planning to install auto shutoff valves on the liquid line out of the high-pressure receiver.
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