Trenton Water Works - Filtration Plant - EPARMP - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Trenton Water Works has implemented an Accidental Release Prevention Program that includes process safety information according to a documentation plan. A process hazard analysis and risk assesment review is conducted every 5 years by the Water Treatment Plant Superintendent, Assistant Water Treatment Plant Superintendent, Maintenance Supervisor and Operating personnel. The total process experience of these individuals exceeds 60 years. Operating procedures are written and tracked by the Water Treatment Plant Superintendent and the Assistant Water Treatment Plant Superintendent. Training is formulated and tracked by the Water Treatment Plant Plant Superintendent and Assistant Water Treatment Plant Superintendent. Training is accomplished in the classroom and on the job by the Operator Training Commmittee which consists of supervisory personnel and certified EHS operators. Understanding of the training is assured by written tests, oral tests, and demonstration. Training is tracked b 
ya database and hardcopy records. The mechanical maintenance program is delegated to the Assistant Plant Superintendent. The program consists of equipment list and specifications, equipment history, preventative maintenance procedures, and a demand work order system. The equipment history is analyzed periodically for equipment reliability. The management of change program is assured by the Assistant Plant Superintendent. Compliance audits are conducted once per year by Plant Supervisory and Operating personnel. Deficiencies are noted and scheduled for improvements by the program implementers. The incident investigation program follows corporate policy for fact determination, root cause system analysis, and recommendation implementation. System update schedules are monitored by the program implementers. Employee participation is incorporated in each element program description. The contractor procedure follows a coporate contractor policy. The program is implemented by the Contractor Co 
ordinator. Trenton Water Works Filtration Plant treats raw water from the Delaware River. During the treatment process chlorine is used to disinfect the water. The liquid chlorine is extracted from 1- ton containers, evaporated into a gas, and injected into the water. There is never more that 2000 lbs of chlorine available to the system at any one time. There have been no reportable incidents in the past 5 years. The Worst case scenario release of chlorine is .9 miles by RMP COMP. The alternate case scenario release is .1 miles by RMP COMP. A Hazard Analysis and Risk Assesment Review conducted on 7/24/96 demonstrated that with the actual release prevention mechanisms and mitigation measures incorporated at this facility, the above worst case and Alternative case scenarios are implausible. Trenton Water Works plans no safety improvements at this time because all current state of the art for design and operation is implemented.
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