Heico Chemicals, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

7 At Heico it is our policy to adhere, at a minimum to all applicable Federal and state rules and regulations.  As a chemical manufacturer, we recognize our responsibilities to preserve the environment, encourage safety, and enhance the health and welfare of our employees and the community in which we operate. Our equipment and processes are designed to handle materials safely and our employees are trained to ensure that they do not present risks to themselves, their fellow employees, or the community.  As a Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) member company we have committed to continuously our improve performance under an industry initiative known as Responsible Care..   
7 Heico is engaged in the manufacture of organic and inorganic chemicals, producing about 50 different chemicals that are generally classified as bulk pharmaceuticals, food additives, and industrial organic chemicals.  Products have been produced at this facility since 1950. Heico currently  
employs approximately 45 people at this facility. 
7 Community involvement at Heico provides its neighbors the opportunity to learn about the company's operations and the many ways its products support and improve their daily lives.  In conjunction with local community leaders, we have established The Delaware Water Gap Advisory Panel which serves as an open forum for cooperative listening and as a response mechanism to public concerns.  Recently Heico initiated a Hazardous Materials Commodity Flow Study.  The study identified the types and amounts of hazardous materials commodities transported through Monroe County PA.  The results of the study were then communicated with Local CAP (Community Advisory Panel), Emergency Responders, and the LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee). 
7 Heico has an emergency response plan for the facility.  The plan has been provided to area emergency responders, including Monroe County LEPC (local emergency preparedness committee), local Fire companies 
, and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.  Heico has its own Emergency Response Team that provides 24hr emergency service to the facility for chemical spills, and other emergency activities.  Heico Chemicals conducts emergency preparedness rehearsal exercises to enhance our capabilities as well as those of local emergency responders.  Together, Heico and the area responders are preparing to effectively deal with potential emergencies.  This relationship was recently recognized by the USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) with the presentation of the "Partnership Award" to Heico, and Guy Miller, Health & Safety Supervisor.  The award recognizes extraordinary contributions to chemical emergency preparedness and prevention programs. 
7 Heico places strong emphasis on worker safety and accident prevention.  Conscientious efforts by trained personnel ensure that the Company operates within the guidelines established by the Occupational Safety and Health A 
dministration (OSHA) and its Process Safety Management Program. Making sure operations are conducted safely receives the highest priority at Heico.  Our operators average 10 years of service.  They're training and experience prepares them to manage our 24-hour a day, 7-day a week operation so that the safety of our employees and our community are protected.  All Heico operations personnel are required to complete SOCMA Chemical Operator Certification Training, a course designed by, SOCMA (Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufactures Association) to provide a mechanism for reasonable assurance that chemical plant operators have a basic understanding of the technology behind a process.  
7 Heico cares not only about safety on our site; we also care about the transportation of materials.  One continuos improvement effort of Responsible Care. focuses on reducing risks to the environment, employees, and the public as a result of the shipment of chemicals. Heico's implementation of the code inclu 
des significant work with various carriers to qualify them for shipment of our materials. 
7 Heico has a very active process safety program as we review our processes on a regular basis.  Heico utilizes the HAZOP (Hazards and Operability Study) method to review any potential hazards.  HAZOPs review, identify, and rank potential problem areas of a process before they can occur.  Any new process has a HAZOP completed prior to introduction into the manufacturing facility.  Our HAZOP programs provide the basis for continuous improvement of our plant operations and safety. 
7 Heico recognizes that it is both environmentally responsible and good business practices to generate less waste and minimize emissions. Heico has been aggressively working on projects to reduce waste generation.  We have a waste minimization policy that requires an annual review of all processes to identify pollution prevention opportunities.  We have a strong commitment to Total Quality Management and consider waste  
reduction an important part of our quality improvement process. 
While the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection regulates Heico's air emissions; however, Heico has focused its efforts beyond these requirements to further control potential odors. 
7 Heico handles liquid sulfur dioxide, anhydrous ammonia, bromine and liquid chlorine.  A safe plant depends upon the manner in which we handle these materials, the safety devices inherent in the design of this facility combined with safe handling procedures that we use and the training of our personnel. The same properties that make liquid sulfur dioxide, anhydrous ammonia, bromine, and liquid chlorine, valuable as a raw material in manufacturing make it necessary to achieve high levels of safety in handling these chemicals.  
7 The offsite consequence analysis includes consideration of one sulfur dioxide release scenario, identified as "worst case release", and one each liquid sulfur dioxide, anhydrous ammonia, bromine, and l 
iquid chlorine "alternative release".  
7 Worst case accident scenario: Our worst-case scenario is the potential failure of a sulfur dioxide storage tank containing 25,000 pounds. The sulfur dioxide is released into a diked area, which mitigates the release.  Since the facility is located in a populated area, the toxic cloud formed by the evaporating sulfur dioxide would reach offsite endpoints and nearby public receptors. 
7 The alternative accident scenarios:  Our alternative scenarios for sulfur dioxide, chlorine, bromine, and ammonia were selected using the following criteria; 
1. Reviewing documented facility incident history, 
2. Reviewing documented Process Hazards Analysis, and 
3. Reviewing published estimated failure rates of equipment. 
4. Reviewing mitigation devices. 
After reviewing all the data, it was decided that Heico would use one alternative accident scenario for each covered chemical. Listed below are the three chemicals and their alternative accident scenarios. 

ulfur dioxide alternative accident scenario: At Heico, a more realistic accident scenario begins with a < inch hole in the liquid line moving sulfur dioxide from the storage vessel to the mixing tank.  The sulfur dioxide is released into a dike, which mitigates the release.  Since the facility is located in a populated area, the toxic cloud formed by the evaporating sulfur dioxide would reach offsite endpoints and nearby public receptors.  
Ammonia alternative accident Scenario: At Heico, a more realistic accident scenario begins with a < inch hole in the liquid line moving ammonia from the storage vessel to the mixing tank.  The ammonia is released into a dike, which mitigates the release.  Since the facility is located in a populated area, the toxic cloud formed by the evaporating ammonia would reach offsite endpoints and nearby public receptors. 
Chlorine alternative accident Scenario: At Heico, a more realistic accident scenario begins with a < inch hole in the liquid line moving 
chlorine from the storage vessels to the mixing tank.  The chlorine is released into a dike, which mitigates the release.  Since the facility is located in a populated area, the toxic cloud formed by the evaporating chlorine would reach offsite endpoints and nearby public receptors. 
Bromine alternative accident Scenario: At Heico, a more realistic accident scenario begins with a c inch hole, in the gasket, in the liquid line moving bromine from the storage vessels to the mixing tank.  The bromine is released into a containment area, which mitigates the release.  Since the facility is located in a populated area, the toxic cloud formed by the evaporating chlorine would reach offsite endpoints and nearby public receptors. 
The following administrative controls and mitigation measures are used to protect employees, and limit the distances to the toxic endpoint. 
( Written Operating Procedures, with one and or two operator sign-off for steps. 
( Two Operators perform and monitor critical 
steps during the manufacture of the products. 
( Extensive Operator training concerning the hazards of the process, and steps needed to correct process deviations. 
( Automatic shutdown system 
( Equipment and process have been designed considering industry standards, and good engineering practices. 
( Procedures developed to maintain the on-going mechanical integrity of the process equipment. 
( Pressure relief/vent headers are closed and vented to a scrubber system designed to mitigate any potential release of hazardous materials. 
( Computer controlled product delivery systems. 
( Dikes, Curbs, Trenches to divert any mitigate any potential releases that might occur. 
( Emergency isolation valves, and emergency shutdown system. 
( Fixed-point monitors used to provide early detection for leaks of hazardous materials. 
( Level indicators, and annunciated alarms on storage tanks, and process vessel to mitigate any overfilling scenarios. 
( System interlocks are provided to prevent multiple failur 
es within the process. 
( Emergency Operations, and Response Procedures for the prompt mitigation of any foreseen problem that could occur.
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