Nebraska Fertilizer Company, Inc. - Executive Summary |
The accidental release prevention and emergency response policies at your facility: The facility complies with OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.111 requirements for anhydrous ammonia storage and it is the policy to adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws. If an emergency were to occur, it is our policy to notify the City of Rulo Fire Department. A description of the facility and the regulated substances handled: The Nebraska Fertilizer Company, Rulo Facility stores and distributes anhydrous ammonia that in a 12,000 gallon anhydrous ammonia tank. The worst case release scenario: The worst-case scenario is a failure from the 12,000 gallon anhydrous ammonia storage tank. According to the EPA Comp program the distance to endpoint is 7.5 miles. The worst-case release could impact sensitive populations located as close as approximately 1,200 feet from the anhydrous ammonia storage tank. The general accidental release prevention program and chemical-specific prevention steps: The fac ility complies with EPA's accident prevention rule (40 CFR 68) and applicable state and local codes and regulations. The anhydrous ammonia system is designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.111 and relevant American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standards. Five-year accident history: The facility has not had an accident involving anhydrous ammonia that caused deaths, injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations, or sheltering in place within the past five years. The emergency response program: In the event of an emergency involving the anhydrous ammonia system, it is the policy to notify the City of Rulo Fire Department and request that they respond to the emergency. The facility has discussed this policy with the fire department. Planned changes to improve safety: None identified at this time. |