Upland Farmer's Union Co-op Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) developed the Risk 
Management Program (RMP) rule (40 CFR 68) to assist facilities in preventing 
accidental releases of highly toxic or flammable chemicals.  The RMP established  
three levels of requirements for the program.  Programs 1 and 2 are for facilities that 
pose less risk to the environment and therefore have reduced compliance 
requirements.  Program 1 is designed for "no impact" facilities and has the fewest 
requirements, while Program 3 is the most stringent of the three levels. 
The program level for each facility is determined by: 
      Use of regulated substances in threshold quantity 
      Impact of an off-site public receptor (e.g., residence, school, park) 
      Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 
      Five-year accident history 
      OHSA PSM (29 CFR 1910.119) applicability.  
This facility is regulated under Program 2 requirements under 40 CFR 68.10 because: 
      It stores anhydrous ammonia in excess of the threshold quantity 
      A release from this facility could impact an offsite public receptor (residence) 
      It does not operate under a SIC code specified in the rule 
      It has not had a reportable accident in the past five years 
      It is not subject to OSHA PSM (this is a retail facility). 
40 CFR Part 68 Subpart G applies to an owner or operator of a stationary 
source that has more than a threshold quantity of a regulated substance in a process, 
as determined under 40 CFR 68.115.  Upland Co-op stores more than the threshold quantity 
of anhydrous ammonia (10,000 pounds) for commericial sale as fertilizer.   Therefore, 
Upland Co-op is required to submit a Risk Management Plan (RMP) as defined in 
40 CFR 68.150 by June 20, 1999. 
The Upland Farmer's Union Co-op is committed to operating in a safe and compliant manner.  
Employees involved in operating the ammonia storage and transfer facility are throughly trained 
identify and understand the hazards posed by this the transfer process.  Process safety and 
emergency response materials are kept on site and periodically reviewed.  Information includes 
information pertaining to the hazards of ammonia, process technology, process equipment, and 
emergency response procedures. 
The stationary source is the Upland Co-op anhydrous ammonia storage and transfer facility.  The 
facility has four stationery storage tanks with capacities ranging from 10,000 to 26,000 gallons 
(100,000 to 125,000 pounds).  The facility also stores numerous smaller transportable tanks 
(nurse tanks) that are actually used in the fertilizer application process.         
The facility is required to complete one worst-case release scenario per 40 CFR 68.165(a)(2) to 
determine program applicability.  Upland Co-op has chosen to use the EPA program RMP Comp 
to determine offsite impacts. 
Worst-Case Scenario Parameters 
    1.   Land Use - Rural 
    2.   Release Qty - 125,000 lb  
.   Release Rate - 12,500 lb/min 
    4.   Release Duration - 10 min 
For this facility, a worst-case release would occur in the event that a primary  
ammonia tank would rupture and the entire contents would be released to the 
atmosphere in 10 minutes.  The worst-case scenario requires a ground-level release 
height (0 feet).  Release calculations are presented below: 
Sample Endpoint Calculation 
    Given:    Largest Tank Capacity is 26,000 water gallons 
              Liquid Ammonia Density = 5.67 lb/gal (www.nh3.com) 
              Maximum Fill Volume = 85% capacity (Administrative Limit)  
    Release Rate   = Tank Capacity / 10 minutes 
                   = (26,000 gal * 5.67 lb/gal)*(0.85)  / 10 min  
                   = (147,420 lb)*(0.85) / 10 min 
                   = 125,000 (rounded) / 10 min 
                   = 12,500 lb/min  
Input of the preceding data into EPA's RMP Comp program, the results indicate a 
worst-case impact of 6.9 miles for the facil 
ity.  The rule defines the toxic endpoint 
of anhydrous ammonia to be 0.14 mg/L.  The residential population within a 6.9 mile radius of 
the facility is 1050 based on the 1990 US Census data (population density is 7 people per square 
mile, worst-case area of influence is 150 square miles).   
The facility is required to complete one alternate release scenario per 40 CFR Part 68.165(a)(2).  
The alternative release scenario considered is in accordance with the guidelines provided in 40 
CFR 68.22 and 68.28.  Alternative release parameters are presented below: 
Alternative Scenario Parameters                 
   1.   Land Use - Rural                  
   2.   Release Qty - 600 lb            
   3.   Release Rate - 60 lb/min  
   4.   Release Duration - 10 min 
The alternative scenario chosen for this facility involves a release because of a 
sudden split in the hose during transfer.  While this scenario is still unlikely because 
the transfer hoses used have multip 
le layers of rubber and a layer of braided stainless 
steel wire underneath the outer sheath (to prevent abrasions, cuts, and splits) it is 
more likely than the worst-case as required by 40 CFR 68.28(b)(i).  This scenario is also the 
most likely to occur, since overfilling is prevented by a return vapor line to the tank 
truck making the delivery.  The transfer hose rupture area is assumed at 0.5 square 
inches.  Because personnel are always present at the facility during transfer, Upland 
Co-op personnel will respond within 10 minutes.  Release rate was calculated using  
the OCAG tank release equation (Section 8.1.1).              
Input of the preceding data into RMP Comp an alternative release scenario impact  
of 0.2 miles for the facility. Since there are residence located closer than 0.2  
miles from the facility, this alternative release scenario satisfies the conditions  
of 68.28.  The population impact from the alternative release scenario is estimated  
at 100 people (from 1 
990 census data).      
The facility maintains written process safety information to enable employees involved in 
handling ammonia to identify and understand the hazards posed by this process.  Written 
information includes physical properties of ammonia, health risks associated with ammonia 
exposure, and material safety data sheets.  In addition, the facility has conducted and/or 
implemented the following: 
            hazards review 
            standard operating procedures 
            training program 
            maintenance program 
            compliance audits 
            incident investigation      
The Upland Co-op anhydrous ammonia has had no recordable accidents within the 
past five years.          
Recommendations for safety improvements were identified in the hazard review 
which was completed November 10, 1997.  Recommendations were identified for 
two categories: Standard Operating Procedures, and Training.  Safety improvements 
will be investigated conc 
erning their impacts on other systems and/or procedures 
prior to implementation.  Additional recommendations may be made upon review of 
any accidents and/or when the hazard review  is updated every five years.
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