Southchem Inc - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Southchem Inc. Bedford Va.,  Executive Summary 
Southchem is a member of National Association of Chemical Distributors and complies with the requirements of the Responsible Distribution Process. 
This facility handles products in closed containers only. No transfere of product is preformed. 
1.    Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies 
We at Southchem Inc are strongly committed to employee, public and environmental safety.  This commitment is demonstrated by our comprehensive accidental release prevention program that covers areas such as design, installation, operating procedures, maintenance, and employee training associated with the processes at our facility.  It is our policy to implement appropriate controls to prevent possible releases of regulated substances. 
2.    The Stationary Source and the Regulated Substances Handled 
Our facility's primary activities encompass Chemical distribution.  We have 2 regulated substances present at our facility.  These substanc 
es include Chlorine and Hydrogen fluoride/Hydrofluoric acid [Hydrofluoric acid]. 
3.    The Worst Case Release Scenario(s) and the Alternative Release Scenario(s), including administrative controls and mitigation measures to limit the distances for each reported scenario 
To perform the required offsite consequence analysis for our facility, we have used the EPA's RMP*Comp(TM).  The following paragraphs provide details of the chosen scenarios. 
The worst case release scenario submitted for Program 2 and 3 toxic substances as a class involves a catastrophic release from Hydrofluoric acid.  In this scenario 500 lb. of Hydrogen fluoride/Hydrofluoric acid (conc 50% or greater) [Hydrofluoric acid] is released.  The toxic liquid released is assumed to form a 1 cm deep pool from which evaporation takes place.  The entire pool is estimated to evaporate over 10 minutes.  Passive mitigation systems such as dike(s) and enclosure(s) are also taken into account to calculate the scenario.  At Class F at 
mospheric stability and 1.5 m/s windspeed, the maximum distance of 0.6 miles is obtained corresponding to a toxic endpoint of 0.016 mg/L. 
The alternative release scenario for Chlorine involves a release from Chlorine.  The scenario involves the release of 150 lb. of .  Toxic liquid is assumed to be released to form a 1 cm deep pool from which evaporation takes place.  The entire pool is estimated to have evaporated after 1 minutes. Under neutral weather conditions, the maximum distance to the toxic endpoint of 0.0087 mg/L of Chlorine is 0.2 miles. 
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