CVPS - Rutland Service Center & Systems Building - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Accidental release prevention and emergency response policies:  Central Vermont Public Service Corporation complies with the requirements of NFPA-58 for storage of propane and it is CVPS policy to comply with all applicable federal, state and local requirements.   If an emergency involving propane were to occur at this facility, it is our policy to notify the Rutland Town Fire Department and to request that they respond to the incident. 
Description of facility:  The facilities covered in this RMP include propane storage tanks and equipment for space heating of two independent buildings: a service center and a systems building.  Each of the two storage areas consist of four, one thousand gallon (water capacity)  tanks.  The storage areas are protected from traffic and are located greater than 25 feet from the buildings they heat.  The storage facility serving the systems building was installed in the early 1990s.  The service center building propane storage facility was built in 1999.  
Worst-case release scenario:  The worst case release scenario for both storage areas would be failure of one of the 1,000 gallon tanks.  At a maximum full volumn of 88%, the estimated quantity released would be 3,700 pounds, resulting in a vapor cloud explosion.  The distance to 1 psi overpressure from this event would be 0.1 mile, based on tables in the Off-site Consequence Analysis Guidance.  The regions in these two circles do not contain public receptors. 
General accident release prevention program and chemical-specific prevention steps:  This facility complies with EPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable state and local codes and regulations.  The proane storage systems are designed, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with NFPA-58 and Vermont Labor and Industry law.   All employees whose duties may involve handling hazardous materials or implementation of the site contingency plan attend monthly safety training.   
Five year accident history:  There has 
never been a release of propane from this facility that caused deaths, injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations or shelterings-in-place.   
Emergency response program:  In the event of an emergency involving propane at this facility, it is our policy to evacuate employees and notify the Rutland Town Fire Department.  The fire department has inspected this facility and is aware of the propane storage tanks.   
Planned changes to improve safety:  No changes are planned.
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