Percy D. Miller Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Percy D. Miller Water Treatment Plant is located in Warren County, Virginia and is operated by the City of Winchester's Department of Public Utilities.  As part of the operations at the facility, a chlorination system is used for disinfection purposes.  In accordance with federal regulations, the City has developed and implemented a Risk Management Program including accidental release prevention and emergency response procedures to address onsite and offsite safety issues associated with the use of chlorine at the plant.  In addition, the facility complies with OSHA's Process Safety Management (PSM) provisions. 
A worst-case release scenario and an alternative release scenario were evaluated to estimate potential impacts to the surrounding offsite area in the event of a chlorine release.  The worst-case scenario is based on failure of a full one ton chlorine container.  The chlorine vapor cloud from a worst-case release event would travel to offsite areas and reach nearby public re 
ceptors.  The alternative scenario is based on a leak from the system's 1/4 inch flexible connection resulting in a release of chlorine for a 10-minute period prior to corrective actions being taken by plant personnel.  In this scenario, the chlorine vapor cloud would travel to offsite areas but would not reach nearby public receptors.   
The facility has not had an accidental release of chlorine that caused injuries, property damage, or environmental damage in the past five years.  Also, mitigation measures and procedures have been established by the City to minimize the potential for accidental chlorine releases and to minimize offsite impacts in the event of an accidental release of chlorine.  These measures include the presence of chlorine leak detectors and alarms, required operator training in chlorine safety, a preventive maintenance program for the chlorine system equipment and related components, and established emergency response procedures including coordination with the loc 
al fire department and notification of the public.
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