Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Osawatomie Kansas, is located about 50 miles Southwest of Kansas City.  The population is aproximately 4,500.  The special populations zones are the schools, day care centers, and one nursing home. 
The most vulnerable scene of hazard is the railroad which runs right through the main part of town.  A derailment could be a real hazard and cause an evacuation of down town.   
Osawatomie does not at the present time have any very hazardous materials at any plants other than the chlorine at the ower plant; 
Evacuation Routes for Osawatomie Kansas 
*John Brown's Highway Westbound to Ottawa Kansas 
*8th Street Northbound to Paola Kansas 
*6th Street Northbound to Paola; Southbound to Mound City Kansas 
*Main Street East to US 169 then North or South 
Special Population Zones are 
*4 Schools 
*2 Preschools 
*1 Nursing Home 
*State Hospital north of Osawatomie 
The purpose of the plan is to establish policies and procedures under which Miami County will operate in the event of a hazardous materials i 
ncident/accident;  and to define the county's capabilities for protecting and reducing exposure of the citizens and first responders in a fixed or transportation incident/accident associated with Title III SARA (Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986). 
In addition, Miami County will develop, implement, and exercise in cooperation with the State of Kansas Division of Emergency Preparedness and the surrounding communities of Miami County, and effective and  integrated emergency management system for chemical incidents/accidents.  This annex provides for (1) mitigation of chemical effects, (2) preparation for measures that save lives and minimize damage, (3) adequate response to chemical spills both on site and off site, as well as, (4) reacovery to normal or phase down level. 
An emergency plan exists and involves municipal and community government and industry.  This plan has been formulated into a written document defining responsibilities and authority.  All industries h 
andling hazardous materials in the area have individual, in-plant emergency plans which are compatible with a general community plan.  The emergency plan has a clearly defined procedure for the sharing of hardware and expertise with external resources.  The emergency plan is periodically tested by the simulation of emergencies and is upgraded.  The plan has undergone actual testing in a real emergency, and this was followed by a detailed analyses on the functionability of the plan.  Speed regulation for trains are strictly enforced in the area.  Train speeds are constantly monitored and violators prosecuted and fined.  Rails are aligned and leveled lin the area at least once a year, using special rail-testing devices designed for this purpose.  A hardware inventory including heavy equipment, absorbants, containment devices, etc., has been established by a planning committee for emergencies involving the assessment area.  Sewer shut-off points do not exist for the retainment of hazardou 
s materials that may leak into sanitary and storm sewers.
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