Shell Agat Terminal - Executive Summary

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Environmental Protection Agency Risk Management Plan 
Executive Summary 16-Nov-1999 
Shell Agat Terminal 
The Shell Agat Terminal is a Liquefied Petroleum Gasoline (LPG) storage facility. This is a RMP Program Level 2 facility. The facility has developed a prevention program described below.   
The Shell Agat Terminal has a commitment to employee and public safety. This commitment is demonstrated by the resources invested in accident prevention, such as training personnel and considering safety in design, installation, operation, and maintenance of our processes. Our policy is to implement reasonable controls to prevent foreseeable releases. However, if a release does occur, trained personnel will respond to control and contain the release. The prevention program exceeds the requirements of this regulation and includes the following: Employee Participation, Process Safety Information, Process Hazard Analysis, Operating Procedures, Training, Contractor Evaluation, Contractors and Visitor  
Orientation, Pre-Job Start-Up Review, Mechanical Integrity, Code of Safe Work Practices (Hot Work Permit, Confined Space Entry, Control of Hazardous Energy), Management of Change, Incident Investigation, Emergency Planning and Response, and Compliance Audits. 
Training includes employee responsibilities in the process safety management program, hot-work permit procedure, code of safe work practices, and operating procedures. All visitors onto the property must undergo a site safety orientation and check in prior to each visit. Planned changes to improve safety have been established based on compliance with the process safety management audits and revalidation of the process hazard analysis. The last process hazard analysis was September 1999. 
The facility receives, stores and distributes liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). There is one tank with a capacity of approximately 208,500 gallons. The tanks are administratively controlled to hold liquefied petroleum gas at 92% maximum capacity, 258, 
000 gallons. 
Shell Guam, Inc. maintains an emergency response plan in compliance with local emergency response agencies.  In the event of an accidental release, the facility operators are trained to sound the alarm, shut off the source from a safe location or activate one of the emergency shutdown devices, contact 9-1-1 and secure the area. The 9-1-1 system is used to notify the Fire Department.  Based on the criteria set forth 40 CFR 68.10 and 19 CCR 2735.4, this facility has not had an accidental release. This information was verified by reviewing Shell records. 
The worst case release scenario is based on a version of the EPA's RMP*Comp(TM) vapor cloud explosion model created by Federal Environmental Protection Agency. The worst case release simulation of 1,083,852 pounds of natural gasoline resulted in a 1 psi explosion overpressure distance of 0.8 miles. This distance impacts no public receptors. In addition, although there are numerous controls in place, none were taken into accou 
nt for evaluating the worst case scenario. 
The alternative release scenario for this process is a hose rupture while pumping natural gasoline. This scenario was modeled using the EPA's RMP*Comp(TM). This scenario assumed user-specified release rate of 32 pounds per second . In addition, a 3 meter/second wind speed, an atmospheric stability of "D" (neutrally buoyant), an air temperature of 77 degrees F.   Mitigation measures were taken into account when selecting the alternative release scenario. This consisted of reviewing the use of relief valves, check valves, manual shutoff valves, automatic shutoffs, startup and operating procedures, grounding equipment, and excess flow devices. The facility operator and truck driver are also in attendance during transfer operations.  The engineering and administrative controls in place have been established to reduce the risk of an accidental release of identified hazards.  Shell Guam, Inc. is committed to operations which are safe for employees a 
nd the surrounding community. 
The undersigned certifies that the best of my knowledge, information, and belief; formed after reasonable inquiry; the information submitted is true, accurate and complete. 
Name: Arthur Kang 
Title: Engineering Manager 
Date signed: November 22, 1999 
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