Raley's Distribution Center - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Statement of Policy 
It is the policy of Raley's Distribution Center facility management to implement the require-ments of the Risk Management Plan (RMP) by managing and operating the facility in accordance with appropriate regulations and general good operating practices.  The objective is to minimize the risk of a fire or an accidental hazardous material release.  Facility management has developed an Emergency Response Plan to ensure a fast and efficient response in the event of an accidental hazardous materi-al release, fire or other emergency situation. 
The Raley's Distribution Center personnel are expected to cooperate with fellow employees and other support personnel as directed by the emergency response management to assure successful resolution of any emergency. 
Source Description and Regulated Substances 
The Raley's Distribution Center is located at 4061 Gateway Park Blvd., Sacramento, California, in the county of Sacramento.  The sit 
e is north of Interstate 80 and east of Interstate 5.   
The Raley's Distribution Center was built in 1991 and early 1992.  It opened for operation in June of 1992.  In September of 1996, a 55,000 square foot expansion was opened to the north end of the building.  Again, in June of 1999, a 121,400 square foot expansion was opened on the east side and south side of the building.  This facility serves 120 Raley's, Bel Air, Food Source and Nob Hill supermarkets with perishable foods such as produce, fresh meat, deli, liquor and general merchandise. 
Anhydrous Ammonia   CAS #7664-41-7 (18,000 lbs.) 
Raley's uses this facility to receive, store and distribute perishable foods.  The perishable foods are stored at sub-ambient temperatures.  An ammonia refrigeration system is used to produce the sub-ambient temperatures in areas where perishables are stored. 
Release Scenarios 
Worst Case Toxic Gas Release Scenario 
The worst case toxic gas release scenario for this facility is required to be 
the ten (10) minute release of anhydrous ammonia from our largest vessel (CPR-1).  The quantity released in the 10 minute time period is to be equal to the normal operating level for this vessel.  
CPR-1 has a normal operating pressure of  85-90  PSIG and  temperature of 56-59 0F.  The vessel size (Diam. x Ht.) is  84" x 13'0".  Normal liquid level is  45".  This gives a normal ammonia inventory (Volume, Weight)  142.67 Cu. Ft., 5514 lbs.  Our RMP*Comp (ver. 1.06) model shows a release of 5514 pounds of liquid anhydrous ammonia at a pressure of 90 PSIG in 10 minutes. 
This vessel is contained within the machine room of the facility.  This passive mitigation system will slow the release of ammonia to the outside atmosphere.  Additionally, the placement of this vessel in the machine room gives it very good protection from anything that might cause damage to the vessel.   It is extremely unlikely that this ASME Certified pressure vessel would have a failure that would cause this worst ca 
se scenario. 
Under worst case weather conditions, the ammonia could reach offsite public receptors. 
Alternative Toxic Gas Release Scenario 
The alternative toxic gas release scenario selected involves a drain valve that fails to close when an operator is draining compressor oil from a low point (PR-1) in the system.   
1. With the globe oil drain valve, there is not much change in the Cv of the valve once the valve is opened 1 to 1-1/2 turns or so.  For the release case presented here it will be assumed that the valve is opened enough to have full flow capability. 
2. The oil draining can occur at any one of the vessels in the refrigeration system.  One of the vessels most likely to require oil draining is the Pilot Receiver PR-1.  This vessel also operates at the highest pressure in the system, which would result in the largest ammonia release.  The approximate release rate would be as follows: 
   PR-1 normally highest operating pressure - 135 psig 
   Ammonia @ 135 psig - 37.45 lb./ft 

   Hansen 3/4" globe valve: Cv = 10 
   lbs./sec. = (10(135/0.64))(37.45)/(7.48)(60)  = 12.12 lbs./sec. 
   Duration of discharge = 1 minute 
The written oil drain procedure incorporates the use of a hose with a back-up valve in case the oil drain valves fails to close properly.  The use of this hose should limit the release duration to one minute or less.  RMP*Comp (ver. 1.06) modeling software was used for this scenario. 
Under alternative case weather conditions, the ammonia would likely not effect offsite public receptors. 
Prevention Programs 
The Raley's Distribution Center has in place and is in compliance with the OSHA PSM rule for the ammonia refrigeration system.  This program contains all chemical specific prevention steps for our accidental release prevention program. 
5-year Accident History 
In the past five (5) years, this facility has experienced NO accidental releases from the covered processes that resulted in deaths, injuries, or significant property damage on site, or kno 
wn offsite deaths, injuries, evacuations, sheltering in place, property damage, or environmental damage. 
Emergency Response Program 
This facility has an Emergency Response Plan that has been given to the County Hazardous Materials Division for use in community emergency coordination planning.   
Our Emergency Response Plan contains the following information: 
' Plan Overview 
' Facility Description 
' Emergency Response Organization 
' Emergency Response Procedures 
' Notification Procedures 
' Evacuation Procedures 
' Specific Event Procedures 
' Emergency Preparedness & Planning 
' Appendices: 
* Distribution List 
* Facility Site Plan & Maps of the Surrounding Community 
* Listing of Emergency Response Team Members 
* Emergency Response Phone List 
* Incident Commander's Checklist & Operations Package 
* Location of MSDS Binders 
* Evacuation Routes & Assembly Areas 
* Emergency Response Equipment 
* Emergency Response Plan Assessment Form 
* Training & Practice Log Form 
* Emergency Operator Form 

Emergency Response Flow Charts 
The Incident Commander in an emergency has available the names and phone numbers for all businesses that might be effected in an incident.  Public notification is to be coordinated through the local emergency responders. 
Improved Safety 
This facility is a modern, state-of-the-art distribution center with an excellent safety record.  Our safety programs are under constant review by facility management.  At least once a year the local responding Fire Department is invited to the Raley's Distribution Center for the following: 
' Become familiar with the Refrigeration Engineers. 
' Become familiar with members of the Raley's Emergency Response Team. 
' Become familiar with the Raley's facility, both outside and inside.  This will be accomplished by a guided tour. 
' Be given a review of the Raley's Emergency Response Plan, and how Raley's would see the Fire Department assisting in an emergency. 
' Review Raley's emergency response equipment. 
' Give a tour of  
the Ammonia refrigeration system. 
' Give the opportunity to use these facilities for training purposes in ammonia.
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