| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

 The Town of Yadkinville Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) is committed to the safety of our employees and the surrounding population.With the use of our Process Safety program,proper operating procedures,proper maintenance procedures,knowledge of the dangers and consequences of the chemicals used,and proper training we hope to avoid any type of accidental release;small or large.We also have several safety policies which are stated throughout our Process Safety and Employee Safety manuals that if followed will aid in avoiding an accident of any type.The Town Safety Director schedules safety training classes.We have classroom and on site training.If the town has a safety concern the Safety Committee, which consists of a employee from each department (streets,water/sewer operations, 
sewer plant,water plant etc.) meets and discusses the issue.If needed they will implement a new procedure or safety policy.In case of an emergency the operator on duty will call 911.The operator will descri 
be what type emergency exists,if possible.The employees of the WWTP are to meet at the top of the hill at the entrance gate to the plant if there is an emergency situation.There are three S.C.B.A breathing apparatus and three NIOSH/MSHA breathing apparatus (for escape only) located at different locations around the plant.The ranking emergency official on the scene will assume control and determine if there is a hazard to human health or the enviroment.All rescue and medical duties will be handled by emergency services personnel.   
 The Town of Yadkinville WWTP cleans used water and sewage so it can be returned safely to the environment.The WWTP uses chlorine (CL2) to disinfect the used water and sewer.We also use sulfur-dioxide (SO2) to dechlorinate the water at the end of the process.The facility is located on a plot of approximately five acres.Buildings and equipment consists of a automatic bar screen,grit classifier,lift stations,oxidation ditch,airation basin,three clarifiers,chlo 
rine contact chamber,dechlorination chamber,and two sludge digesters.Enclosed structures consist of a lab,maintenance building,three blower buildings, 
chlorine and sulfur-dioxide chemical room.The concrete storage platform,open on all sides with an overhead roof,is used to store ton cylinders of CL2 and SO2.It has a storage capacity of eight ton cylinders but only six are stored at any time.We have two CL2 cylinders and two SO2 cylinders connected to the gas supply but only one each is used at any given time on demand.The other CL2 cylinder and SO2 
cylinder are kept with steel hoods covering the valve until they are needed. 
 In our worst case scenario the line that feeds the CL2 or SO2 vacuum regulator to the chemical room splits and releases gas.When a scenario like this happens the vacuum regulator shuts-off causing the whole system to lose vacuum.The only gas that will be released is what is left in the lines (1-3 lb.estimate).The gas will not leak from the vacuum regulator since t 
here is no vacuum to pull it from the tank.When the system loses vacuum it is equipped with an alarm system that sounds outside of the chemical room to notify the employees at the WWTP of equipment failure.After the employee has investigated the problem (wearing proper safety equipment and with a stand-by person) the employee will call the Director of Public Works for help in repairing the line or if the situation warrants he will call 911.The EMS Director on the scene will have a map (given to him by the Town Safety Director June 15,1999) showing the toxic endpoints for both worst-case and alternative releases for the area surrounding the facility which were based on the OCA GUIDANCE.The daily,weekly,monthly inspects and maintence procedures will aid the WWTP in preventing such releases. 
 The alternative scenario consists of two tanks (one CL2,one SO2) bursting sending gas into the air.Since the tanks are in an open structure there is no way to retain it.Since we have no employees qu 
alified to work on the tank or the tank valve the employees are to call Jones Chemicals emergency number (our CL2 and SO2 supplier) for repairs.If the situation or leak is severe the employees are to call 911.If the air around the plant is contaminated the employees are to use the S.C.B.A or NIOSH/MSHA apparatus for escape.The EMS Director will take charge.He will have the OCA GUIDANCE map that was discussed in the worst case scenario. 
 The WWTP complies with the OSHA Process Safety Management Program.Other safety rules and regulations are listed and explained in the Employee Safety manual which is given to each new employee. Each new employee signs a document stating he/she read and understood the manual.The employees at the WWTP plant do daily,weekly,monthly and annual inspections and maintence on the chemical equipment. The list of procedures and what is checked and maintained is found in the Process Safety Manual under maintenance procedures.With the use of our PSM program,proper  
operating and maintence procedures, knowledge of the chemical being used and proper training we hope to prevent a release. 
 The WWTP has had one accidental release of chlorine in the past five years.The release was from a line that was being changed and had chlorine left in it.Around 1/2lb-1lb (estimate) was released.No one offsite was injured or evacuated.911 was called and responded for the employee in the August 1995 incident. 
 The Town of Yadkinville Safety Director has coordinated with the Yadkin County EMS Director in case of an accidental release. The Safety Director has given the EMS Director the Town's emergency procedures, in turn, the EMS Director has given the Safety Director the county's emergency procedures for hazardous materials.If there is an accidental release the EMS Director or the ranking emergency official will take control.They would be in charge of public notification and evacuation if needed.The Town of Yadkinville started using ton cylinders of CL2 and SO2 i 
n June 1998.At that time the employees of the WWTP,Safety Director,and Public Works Director were given on-site training of the safety,operating and maintence procedures from various representatives of the companies that manufactured the equipment. 
 The Town of Yadkinville started operation of our new sewer plant expansion in June 1998.It has all new equipment with the latest safety features.Every year the Town of Yadkinville has safety classes for our employees.Example:CPR,First-Aid,Confined space,Bloodborne pathogen,Fire extinguisher,SCBA training. 
We have qualified personnel teach the classes.We have a refresher course on the WWTP equipment  
(maintenance,operational,and safety procedures) scheduled for the fall of 1999.If the person teaching the class has a concern about safety,operational,or maintenance procedures we will address them immediately.We have been in touch with the Yadkin County EMS about doing a "mock drill" together sometime in the fall of 1999.
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